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Regional Poverty Pattern and Its Influence Mechanism in Cultivated Land Resource-rich Area: Taking Lanxi County of Heilongjiang Province as an Example


文摘 以耕地资源较为富集的贫困县兰西为例,采用空间统计方法分析县域贫困格局,剖析耕地利用对农村贫困格局的影响机制。研究发现:①兰西县贫困发生率呈西北向东南梯度递减特征。②贫困家庭收入来源单一,对耕地的依赖性较强。③耕地利用的各因子对贫困发生率在影响方向和影响程度上不同,且由于耕地资源差异形成了资源依赖机制和资源利用机制,进而影响贫困格局。④建议该类型区域加强土地整治,提高耕地的自然质量和生态价值;加大对农业投入强度,促进农业提档升级;调整农业生产关系,实现现代农业与贫困户的有机结合,确保农业可持续发展与贫困户增收、脱贫。
其他语种文摘 Revealing the county poverty pattern and its influence mechanism of cultivated land in resource-rich area can provide a scientific basis for us to carry out accurate poverty alleviation, regional development and rural revitalization. In this study, choosing Lanxi County where in Heilongjiang Province as the study area, the townships as the statistical units, using geostatistics and the basic methods of statistics to analysis the spatial poverty pattern of Lanxi County and in-depth analysis of the impact of cultivated land use on rural poverty mechanism. Some conclusions are drawn as follows: Firstly, a characteristic called gradient decrease, it shows the rate of poverty incidence in Lanxi County decrease from the northwest to the southeast. Secondly, poor households rely heavily on cultivated land. In 2015, the per capita income of poor households in Lanxi County was 3 983 yuan, of which 2 388 yuan was relied on cultivated land utilization. The sources of income were farming, agricultural subsidies and property income. Thirdly, among the various affecting factors of cultivated land, national grade, utilization grade, economic grade and per capita cultivated land area have an impact on the incidence of poverty. Correlation between reclamation rate and incidence of poverty is weak with little impact. In terms of performance, the better the quality of cultivated land is, the lower the poverty incidence; the more cultivated land per capita, the higher the incidence of poverty. Fourth, the dependence mechanism of cultivated land resources and the utilization mechanism of cultivated land resources are formed due to the quantity and quality difference of cultivated land per capita owned, leading to the pattern of poverty and furthering affects the scale of poverty in Lanxi County and the incidence of poverty. Fifth, the strategy of the poor counties with relatively abundant cultivated land resources are as listed below. Strengthening land consolidation and improving the natural quality and ecological value of cultivated land are of great importance; increase the intensity of agricultural input and promote the upgrading of agricultural; adjust agricultural production relations to realize the organic combination of modern agriculture and poor households; make the full use of potential and advantages of featured agriculture, organic agriculture and ecological agriculture to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture and poverty alleviation.
来源 地理科学 ,2019,39(4):671-679 【核心库】
DOI 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2019.04.017
关键词 耕地资源 ; 贫困格局 ; 农村贫困 ; 贫困发生率 ; 黑龙江兰西县

东北农业大学资源与环境学院, 黑龙江, 哈尔滨, 150030

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0690
学科 自然地理学
基金 黑龙江省博士后落户基金 ;  国家精准扶贫工作成效第三方评估重大任务黑龙江省调查评估课题(2017)
文献收藏号 CSCD:6495075

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