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Spatial Patterns and the Tertiary Industry Effects of Railway Passenger Accessibility in the Yangtze River Economic Belt


刘玮辰 1,2   曹有挥 1 *   吴威 1   陆玉麒 3  
文摘 铁路作为长江经济带综合立体交通走廊的基础组成部分,是构建运输大通道、实现要素快速无障碍流动、推动带域经济发展的重要支撑。以经济带内129个城市为研究对象,分析2000~2015年铁路快速化和高速化过程中客运通达能力演化特征,并利用市域面板数据模型分析其对城市第三产业发展的影响,结果表明:铁路客运通达能力随既有线提速增能和高等级新线开通大幅提升,但城市间旅行时间因铁路网建设空间密度和时间梯度差异产生“时空收敛”非均衡性;低旅行时间网络在主要都市区不断强化,向外持续扩张中沿区际联系主通道出现地带间高可达网络融合,铁路走廊以区域中心城市为节点重构经济带交通区位格局,实现城市群整合、地带间网络化交流;铁路客运发展促进第三产业能力提升和要素集聚,空间上表现为东中部高、西部低,铁路枢纽节点城市、传统干线通道沿线城市和新建铁路沿线城市受到较强的正向作用。
其他语种文摘 As a basic component of comprehensive three-dimensional transportation corridor of the Yangtze River economic belt, railway plays an important role in building transport channel, accelerating the flow of socio- economic elements, promoting the development of the whole area. Based on the railway passenger transport network, this paper analyses the spatial pattern of railway passenger accessibility by using rail-travel time index in the age of fast-speed and high-speed. And then, the impact of railway traffic change on the development of urban tertiary industry is analyzed by using the market panel data model. Results are shown as follows. 1) Railway passenger transportation in the Yangtze River economic belt has been greatly enhanced by the operating speed acceleration and transportation capability expansion of existed railway lines and the opening of high-grade new lines. However, the spatial density and time gradient during railway construction cause spatiotemporal compression of railway accessibility change unbalanced. With the development of the high-speed railway from east to west, the gap between the three zones has gradually narrowed. 2) The disequilibrium of time and space compression in the economic belt is brought by railway construction and "channel effect" is evident. On the basis of the former Jing-Guang channel, the high accessibility area has expanded to Hu-Kun channel and Hu-Han-Rong channel with the construction of the express channel from east to west. With the strengthening of the north-south channel, network development is realized. The main reason for the difference of railway traffic location is changing from presence of railway to the differences of the construction standard during the study period. High-speed railway redefines passenger services. The low-travel time network is being strengthened in major urban areas and interzone high accessibility network convergence appears along main interregional communication channels. The east-west high-speed railway corridors prop up the most obvious traffic location advantage areas. Fast connections between central cities through the "core - network" model reconstruct original discrete urban spatial organization form and drive the changes of traffic location among cities, which achieve integrated development of urban agglomerations and network communication from east to west. At the same time, the development mode may cause a greater imbalance between the core and the periphery. People and factors continue to cluster in the Yangtze River delta, Wuhan, Chang-Zhu-Tan and other economically advanced regions. 3) Railway passenger transport is one of the most important tools for long-distance personnel transportation and has great social and economic effects in the evolution of railway accessibility. Railway construction and accessibility promotion promote urban tertiary industry development and factors concentration, which shows the pattern of the Middle and the East higher, the West lower. Industry and elements tend to cluster and expand in the direction of railway channels. By using the advantage of railway traffic location, cities of Strong positive effect function, including railway channel node cities, cities along the traditional railway main channels and cities along the new railways attract elements in a relatively competitive environment.
来源 地理科学 ,2019,39(4):626-635 【核心库】
DOI 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2019.04.012
关键词 通达能力 ; 长江经济带 ; 第三产业发展

1. 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 江苏, 南京, 210008  

2. 中国科学院大学, 北京, 100049  

3. 南京师范大学地理科学学院, 江苏, 南京, 210023

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0690
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6495070

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