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Organization Mode of China Air Passenger Transport Network from the Perspective of Aviation Enterprise


陆璐 1   魏冶 1 *   庞瑞秋 1   高鑫 2  
文摘 基于37个中国航空企业的航班大数据,选取对外联系度、异(同)配性系数、层次分析、优势生态位分析等方法对中国航空客运网络组织模式进行分析。研究发现:①中国航空网络发育整体趋于成熟,已形成明显的层次性和核心-边缘结构,航空企业的航空网络均蕴藏位序-规模规律,依据其机场节点、航线和航班数量可划分为6个层级;②依据企业视角与网络规模、层次性与同配性/异配性等指标的综合度量,中国航空企业的网络组织模式可划分为核心培育阶段、核心竞争阶段、过渡阶段与稳定增长阶段4种类型;③航空企业的航空网络包括核心-边缘同配性网络和核心-边缘异配性网络,企业间竞争焦点主要表现为“核心”的竞争;④结合航空客运网络组织模式的判定,当前中国航空网络存在两条收敛规律:层次性收敛与同配性/异配性收敛;⑤实力强、规模大的航空企业在全国通航城市的比例分布均匀,具有较高生态位;实力弱、规模小的航空企业在全国通航城市的分布具有区域性且比例不均,生态位较低。为优化航空网络结构、避免企业恶性竞争,中国不同等级的航空企业一方面需结合自身发展阶段不断优化网络组织模式,寻求与企业等级相适应的生态优势位;另一方面要加强合作,避免航线饱和问题,提高整个航空网络的韧性和运营效率。
其他语种文摘 Based on big data of flights of 37 aviation enterprises in China (data of Hongkang,Macau and Taiwan are exluded), using external linkage degree, assortativity/disassortativity index, hierarchical analysis and dominant niche analysis, the spatial organization mode and competition mechanism of China air passenger transport network were studied in this paper. Findings are as follows: 1) China’s domestic aviation network has developed to a relatively mature level where obvious hierarchy and core-periphery structure are formed, all aviation enterprises could be divided into 6 hierarchies based on the number of nodes, routes and the number of flights. 2) From the aviation enterprise perspective, network scale, hierarchy and assortativity/disassortativity as indexes, organization mode (stage of development) of aviation enterprise in China could be divided into 4 stages including core cultivation stage, core competition stage, transition stage and steady growth stage. 3) Most of aviation enterprises’aviation network are core-periphery and assortative/disassortative whose competition focuses on‘core competition’. 4) Referring to the judgement method of aviation network’s organization mode, there are two convergence laws in China aviation network namely hierarchical convergence andassortative/disassortative convergence. 5) Aviation enterprise with strong strength and large scale has high niche and a uniform distribution proportion in navigable cities. In contrast, aviation enterprise with weak strength and small scale has a low niche which leads to regional and uneven distribution in navigable cities. In order to optimize the structure of aviation network and avoid the malignant competition, aviation enterprises need to take actions. On the one hand, aviation enterprises have to optimize the organization mode according to distinctive features of different stages of development and explore the dominant niche which is adapted to the grade of enterprises. On the other hand, aviation enterprises need enhance the cooperation with each other for avoiding saturation of airlines and improving the whole aviation network’s resilience and efficiency.
来源 地理科学 ,2019,39(4):550-559 【核心库】
DOI 10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2019.04.004
关键词 航空网络 ; 网络组织模式 ; 航空企业竞争 ; 同配性 ; 异配性

1. 东北师范大学地理科学学院, 吉林, 长春, 130024  

2. 重庆师范大学地理与旅游学院, 重庆, 401331

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0690
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6495062

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