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Theoretical explanation and case study of regional cultivated land use function transition


宋小青 1,2   李心怡 1  
文摘 随着经济社会发展,由耕地利用类型结构、投入结构和种植结构决定的区域耕地利用功能究竟如何转型,至今悬而未决。通过分析诱致性生产替代与3种结构演变的内在联系,构建耕地利用功能转型综合解释框架及量化方法,选取广东省为典型地区,研究区域耕地利用功能转型。结果表明:①广东省耕地利用功能处于从经济社会型转向生态经济型转型的过渡期,但区域差异明显。其中,珠江三角洲耕地利用功能实现了从经济社会型向生态经济型的转型,东翼、西翼、山区实现了从社会生态型向经济社会型的转型;②广东省耕地利用功能转型的人文驱动机理表现为,经济-社会和社会-体制两方面的驱动力沿“城镇化发展-经济发展水平提高-诱致性生产替代-耕地利用结构演变-耕地利用功能形态转变”的级联驱动效应;③耕地利用结构演变分析是耕地利用功能转型研究的有效视角。随着经济社会从初级发展阶段经历中高级到高级阶段,在诱致性生产替代作用下,耕地利用类型结构、投入结构和种植结构演变将决定耕地利用功能从社会生态型向经济社会型、生态经济型转型;④对土地利用转型中“型”的内涵做出了新的阐释。在诱致性生产替代理论认知基础上,对耕地利用功能“型”之转变的深层机理进行了新的探索。这对缩小学术界与公众、决策层在耕地利用转型方面的认知鸿沟,以及推动土地利用转型深入研究具有重要意义。此外,提出了中国“旱改水”及耕地利用功能转型的社会生态效应管控建议。
其他语种文摘 Changes of cultivated land use structures including type structure, input structure, and plantation structure, could succinctly reveal change of cultivated land use function morphology. Cultivated land use function transition (CLUFT) in the process of socio-economic development, however, is currently an issue to be resolved. Based on the underlying relationship between induced production substitution and cultivated land use structure change, this paper established a comprehensive explanation framework of the CLUFT. Then, the regional CLUFT was studied with Guangdong province as a typical case area. Results show that cultivated land use functional morphology in Guangdong overall entered the interim stage of the transition from socio- economic morphology to ecological and economic morphology. Cultivated land use function in the Pearl River Delta has accomplished the transition from socio- economic morphology to ecological- economic morphology. The rest of districts of Guangdong, however, accomplished the transition from socio-ecological morphology to socioeconomic morphology. Both socio- economic and institutional forces drove the CLUFT in Guangdong. Mechanism of the CLUFT behaves as cascading effects of interactions among urbanization, socio-economic development, induced production substitution, changes of cultivated land use structures, and transformation of cultivated land use function morphologies. The positive analysis above justified the comprehensive explanation framework presented in this paper. That is, changes of cultivated land use structures could effectively denote cultivated land use function transition. With socio- economic development from its primary stage to an advanced one, changes of cultivated land use structures will drive transition of cultivated land use function morphology from socio- ecological morphology to socio- economic morphology, and to ecological and economic morphology under the direct force of induced production substitution. This paper presented new knowledges on morphology and transition explanations in land use transition research. Furthermore, new knowledges on the underlying mechanism of cultivated land use transition has been developed based on rethinking of the induced production substitution in agriculture. This study is of significance to bridge the knowledge gap of cultivated land use transition among scholars, the public, and policy makers and to deepen further research on land use transition. Finally, suggestions on transformation from dryland to paddy filed in southern China and control of socio- ecological effects of cultivated land use function transition were discussed.
来源 地理学报 ,2019,74(5):992-1010 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201905012
关键词 土地利用转型 ; 耕地 ; 功能 ; 结构 ; 格局 ; 广东

1. 中国地质大学(武汉)地理与信息工程学院, 武汉, 430074  

2. 国土资源评价与利用湖南省重点实验室, 国土资源评价与利用湖南省重点实验室, 长沙, 410118

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  国家教育部人文社会科学研究项目 ;  广东省自然科学基金 ;  国土资源评价与利用湖南省重点实验室开放课题
文献收藏号 CSCD:6494797

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