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Key Techniques and Demonstration of Comprehensive Control of Ecological Water Conservancy in the Poyang Lake Region and Its Five Major Tributaries


杨文俊 1,2   刘同宦 1,2 *   栾华龙 1,2   程冬兵 1,2   许新发 3  
文摘 受气候变化和人类活动的共同影响,中国河湖水资源、水环境与水生态问题交织重叠。作为中国最大的淡水湖泊,近年来鄱阳湖及其五河出现水量减少、水土流失、岸线萎缩、水生生境劣化等突出问题,目前的研究水平和关键技术无法满足新时期生态优先、绿色高质量发展的要求。如何将资源、生态、环境等约束融入水利工程规划、建设与运行,厘清水利工程对河湖生态环境的影响以及在这种影响下生态系统的演变趋势,提出减缓其影响的技术措施;如何在水资源开发利用过程中,既能满足人类社会需求,又能兼顾水生态系统健康需求,是当前生态水利理论体系研究及关键技术研发的前沿和热点问题,也是推动国家生态文明建设和落实长江大保护的必然要求。围绕上述问题,提出以“应用基础–关键技术–工程示范–监测评价”为主线的研究目标:1)辨析鄱阳湖五河及湖区生态水利特征因子及其对开发利用的响应机制;2)研发面向岸上、水陆交错带与水体的生态水利综合治理技术体系;3)提出生态水利综合治理技术及规划设计方案并进行工程示范;4)构建河湖生态水利建设模式与监测评价体系。通过开展多学科交叉、点面结合、理论与实践统一的研究,拟揭示河湖生态水利特征因子的互作互馈机制,提出耦合工程、资源、环境与生态的监测评价指标体系,实现理论创新;研发红壤丘陵旱坡地农业节水控污保土系列关键技术和受损水生生境的水利工程辅助修复关键技术,实现技术创新;提出规划导则、设计指南、治理技术、监测指标、评估方法、建设模式等全链条布局的河湖生态水利综合治理系统解决方案,实现集成创新。
其他语种文摘 Under the combined impacts of climate change and human activities, water resources, environment and ecological problems of China's rivers and lakes interweave and overlap. As the largest freshwater lake in China, the Poyang Lake region and its five major tributaries are facing serious problems, including the reduction of water quantity, soil erosion, shoreline shrinkage and deterioration of aquatic habitat, whereas the current research level and key technologies cannot meet the requirements of ecological priority and green high-quality development. How to integrate resources, ecology, environment and other constraints into water conservancy project planning, construction and operation, clarify the impact of water conservancy projects on the ecological environment of rivers and lakes and the evolution trend of ecosystems under this influence, put forward technical measures to mitigate their effects, and meet the needs of human society and health to water ecosystem, are the forefront and hot issues of current ecological water conservancy theory system research and key technology research and development, but also the inevitable requirements of promoting the construction of national ecological civilization and the implementation of the Yangtze River protection. Aiming at the above problems, the characteristic factors of ecological water conservancy in the Poyang Lake region and its five major tributaries and its response mechanism to the development and utilization were distinguished and analyzed; the technical system of integrated ecological water conservancy for the land, bank and water was studied and developed; the integrated management technology and planning design scheme of ecological water conservancy were put forward and engineering demonstration was carried out, and the construction mode and monitoring and evaluation system of river and lake ecological water conservancy were constructed. Through the research of multi-disciplinary intersection, point combination, theory and practice, the interreaction mechanism of the characteristic factors of ecological water conservancy in rivers and lakes was revealed, and the monitoring and evaluation index system of coupling engineering, resources, environment and ecology was put forward to realize the theoretical innovation; a series of key technologies for agricultural water-saving pollution control and soil protection in red soil hilly and dry slopes and key technologies for hydraulic engineering assisted repair of damaged aquatic habitats were developed to realize technological innovation; solutions for comprehensive controlling system of river and lake ecological water conservancy were proposed, including planning guidelines, design guidelines, governance techniques, monitoring indicators, evaluation methods and construction models, to achieve integrated innovation.
来源 工程科学与技术 ,2019,51(2):1-12 【扩展库】
DOI 10.15961/j.jsuese.201900060
关键词 生态水利 ; 河湖生态环境 ; 监测评价体系 ; 鄱阳湖五河及湖区

1. 长江水利委员会长江科学院, 湖北, 武汉, 430010  

2. 水利部江湖治理与防洪重点实验室, 水利部江湖治理与防洪重点实验室, 湖北, 武汉, 430010  

3. 江西省水利科学研究院, 江西, 南昌, 330029

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 2096-3246
学科 水利工程;环境污染及其防治
基金 国家重点研发计划资助项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6451995

参考文献 共 39 共2页

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