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Spatial spillover effects of ICT on tourism industry growth


王龙杰 1   曾国军 1 *   毕斗斗 2  
文摘 信息化将重塑区域间旅游产业的互动和关联。既有研究虽然对信息化与旅游产业发展之关系有所探讨,但多数研究忽视了信息化对旅游产业发展的空间溢出效应,因而难以准确测量信息化对旅游产业发展的贡献。采用中国大陆31个省份2001-2014年的面板数据,从区域关联的视角构建空间计量模型,测算信息化对旅游产业发展的直接影响和空间溢出影响。结果表明:①信息化与旅游产业发展均具有显著的空间关联性,传统的计量模型因未考虑个体间的空间交互作用而误估了信息化对旅游产业发展的产出弹性;②信息化基础设施和信息技术消费对旅游产业发展的作用路径存在差异,单纯的信息化基础设施建设并不一定能促进旅游产业的发展,过度的规模竞争反而会陷入“索洛生产率悖论”;而信息技术消费的提升虽有助于正向的空间溢出,但其空间重构的潜力仍有待释放;③固定资产投入、劳动力和旅游接待规模等都是推进旅游产业发展的多维要素,但在信息化的交互影响下,资本和劳动力的空间溢出均不明显,而资源禀赋、环境质量、服务经济占比和产业集聚呈现出显著的负向外溢效应。
其他语种文摘 The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) is reconstructing and reshaping the relationships and inter-connections among different regions in the tourism industry. Existing research has shown that ICT plays a crucial role in the growth of the industry; however, scarce attention has been paid to the spatial spillover effects of ICT. As a result, it is hard to estimate accurately the influence of ICT on growth of tourism industry and the findings in that regard are not wholly convincing. Given the shortcomings mentioned above, the present study focuses on the interactive relationships among ICT infrastructure, ICT consumption and growth of tourism industry; there is a particular emphasis on the spatial spillover effects of ICT. We selected 31 provinces in China as our case region; our aim was to assess spatial differences and spatial clustering across the whole of Chinese mainland. Our data sources included China Statistical Yearbook and China Tourism Yearbook from 2001 to 2014. To determine the global spatial spillover effects of ICT on the growth of tourism industry, we employed the spatial panel Durbin model, using balanced panel data from 2001 to 2014. We obtained the following findings. First, the development of ICT and tourism industry shows a significant spatial agglomeration so that the conventional traditional models may be unable to accurately assess the related effects owing to ignorance of the spatial auto-correlation. Second, ICT infrastructure and ICT consumption have different effects on growth of the tourism industry. The development of ICT infrastructure alone is not certain to promote the growth of that industry, instead, unequal competition among different regions may produce Solow paradox. ICT consumption has both significant positive direct and spatial spillover effects on the growth of tourism industry. Third, capital input, labor input and tourism infrastructure are still important driving forces for industrial growth. However, with the transformative effects of ICT, the spatial spillover effects of capital and labor are insignificant; tourism resources, environment quality, proportion of the service industry, and tourism agglomeration have significant negative spillover effects, which leads to fierce competition among neighboring regions.
来源 地理学报 ,2019,74(2):366-378 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201902012
关键词 旅游 ; 信息化 ; 空间溢出 ; 产业发展

1. 中山大学旅游学院, 广州, 510275  

2. 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院, 广州, 510006

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 英国经济和社会研究委员会国际合作项目 ;  国家自然科学基金项目 ;  文化和旅游部万名旅游英才计划项目 ;  广东省省级科技计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6431250

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