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The Networking Observation and Analysis of Atmospheric Ozone Lidars in Guangzhou in 2017


黄祖照 1   裴成磊 2   王宇骏 2   陈彦宁 2   梁永健 2   张天舒 3   范广强 3   万学平 4   胡婷婷 4   李展 4   李时政 4  
文摘 差分吸收臭氧雷达是测量对流层O_3时空分布的有力工具,利用臭氧激光雷达在广州地区开展大气O_3的组网加强观测研究,分析大气O_3浓度的时空分布特征。广州塔站点臭氧激光雷达与安光所标准机对比分析表明两者一致性非常高;同时广州塔498 m处O_3质量浓度与臭氧雷达在495 m处反演的O_3浓度较一致。该文研究2次典型污染过程中对流层O_3浓度时空分布特征及高空O_3污染气团沉降对地面O_3浓度的影响。结果表明:(1)臭氧垂直分布浓度均表现为O_3午后单峰特征明显,主要分布在2.0 km范围内;(2)广州地区O_3浓度表现为南部区域高、北部区域低的特征;(3)9月16-21日期间广州市从北至南5站点雷达图均监测到18日凌晨高空1.0~2.0 km处存在O_3输入且沉降过程,18日午后万顷沙站点O_3浓度最高;(4)10月24-26日期间5站点O_3浓度表明臭氧午后单峰特征明显,广州塔、番禺市桥、万顷沙站点午后O_3浓度均较高,夜间时段高空均存在明显的O_3残留现象,夜间残留会导致次日O_3浓度持续累积升高。
其他语种文摘 The differential absorption lidar is an effective tool for measuring ozone distributions. The spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of atmospheric O_3 concentration were analyzed by using the ozone lidar to strengthen the observation re- search in Guangzhou. The comparison and analysis between the ozone laser lidar of Guangzhou Tower and the standard lidar of Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics showed that the consistency was high. The concentration of O_3 at 498 m in Guangzhou Tower was highly consistent with the concentration of O_3 at 495 m of ozone lidar. This paper studies two typical pollution processes in Guangzhou, with the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of tropospheric O_3 concentration and the sedimentation process of O_3 air mass effected on ground O_3 concentration. The results indicated that the vertical distri- bution concentration of ozone was characterized by the single peak characteristic in the afternoon, which was mainly distributed within the range of 2.0 km. The spatial distribution of O_3 concentration in Guangzhou was characterized by high in the southern region and low in the northern region. During September 16th and 21th, the ozone lidar results of 5 sites were moni- tored the process of ozone transmission and settlement, and the ozone concentration of Panyu Wanqingsha site was the highest in the afternoon of the 18th. The results of 5 sites showed that the concentration of ozone was the single peak characteristic in the afternoon. And the ozone concentrations of Guangzhou Tower, Panyu Shiqiao, Panyu Wanqingsha sites were higher in the afternoon. There was a clear phenomenon of residual ozone at nighttime and ozone residues could cause the ozone concentration on the following day to increase during the study period.
来源 环境科学与技术 ,2018,41(11):159-164 【核心库】
DOI 10.19672/j.cnki.1003-6504.2018.11.026
关键词 差分吸收激光雷达 ; 臭氧浓度 ; 垂直分布 ; 传输过程

1. 广州市环境技术中心, 广东, 广州, 510180  

2. 广州市环境监测中心站, 广东, 广州, 510030  

3. 中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所, 安徽, 合肥, 230031  

4. 无锡中科光电技术有限公司, 江苏, 无锡, 214038

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1003-6504
学科 环境污染及其防治
基金 广东省广州市科技计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6387703

参考文献 共 10 共1页

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