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The design of China's corridors-in-the-sky and the influence of air routes traffic on the identification of space-time congestion


董雅晴 1   路紫 2 *   刘媛 1   张秋娈 2  
文摘 航空运输的迅速发展使空中交通流增加,空中廊道因能容纳高密度交通流而成为支持空域资源充分开发利用的一种新技术,空中廊道拥堵时段和拥堵区段的识别是廊道上车道分配和开合操作的基础。在回顾空中廊道与交通拥堵相关研究后,构建了由空中廊道划设、拥堵状态识别、航线流量影响组成的研究方法。依据高流量航线确定空中廊道位置、依据距离约束条件确定航线参与者,合并划设出全国14条空中廊道;进而通过时空数据计算、时空图编绘、网格频数筛选及划分阈值设定等步骤,遵照重叠次数及热格频数的指示规则,对拥堵时段和拥堵区段进行识别;并通过规模值和汇聚值两个指标分析高流量航线的拥堵影响。研究发现:拥堵时段呈现为全天多峰“波浪型”分散分布及高峰后端集聚的结构特征;拥堵区段整体呈现为不平衡覆盖和交汇节点集中分布的结构特征,其中高拥堵程度的空中廊道呈现为一个斜体“N”字型框架,框架上为小区段集中的不完全贯通;时空交互上,拥堵区段存在单一时段和多时段重叠两种类型,多个廊道的不同拥堵区段存有共同拥堵时段。高流量航线在空中廊道拥堵中起相对决定性作用,且在抵港和离港两个方向上的影响不均衡。空中交通拥堵识别可为中国未来空域资源时空动态评估和空中廊道建设提供依据。
其他语种文摘 The rapid development of air transport has increased air traffic flow. Corridors- inthe- sky have become a new technology to support the full development and utilization of airspace resources due to its high- density air traffic flow. The identification of congestion period and congestion segment is the foundation of lanes distribution and the operation of activation and deactivation in corridors- in- the- sky. This paper proposes a method which can design corridors- in- the-sky, and identify air congestion and the influence of air routes traffic flow. Based on heavy traffic air routes, locations of corridors-in-the-sky are determined, and the routes-attendees are determined based on distance constrain. Particularly, fourteen corridors-inthe- sky of China are designed. Through space- time data calculation, space- time map compilation, grid frequency filtering and threshold setting, a congestion period and congestion segment are identified in this paper according to the times of overlap and the frequency of the hottest grids. The influence of heavy traffic air routes is also analyzed through the two indexes of scale value and aggregation value. We have the following findings: the congestion period of corridors- in- the-sky presents the structural characteristics of the multi-peak "wavy" scattered distributions, and the later aggregated distribution of top peaks in the whole day. The congestion segment is presented as the structural features of unbalanced coverage and centralized distribution of crossings. The highly congested corridors-in-the-sky are presented as an italic "N" font frame, which is not fully integrated with centralized small segments. In a spatial and temporal interaction, there are two types of congestion segments, single-period and multi- period overlap, and there are some common congestion periods in different congestion segments of multiple corridors- in- the-sky. The heavy traffic air routes play a decisive role in the congestion of corridors- in- the-sky, and the influence of the two directions on arrival and departure is unbalanced. The congestion identification of air traffic is helpful for the dynamical evaluation of China's airspace resource, which can provide a basis for the distribution of corridors-in-the-sky in the future of China.
来源 地理学报 ,2018,73(10):2001-2013 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201810013
关键词 空中廊道 ; 拥堵识别 ; 航线流量 ; 时空图 ; 中国

1. 河北师范大学资源与环境科学学院, 石家庄, 050024  

2. 河北师范大学旅游学院, 石家庄, 050024

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 航空
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6348993

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