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Delimiting the Shanghai metropolitan area using mobile phone data


文摘 都市区是中心城市及其主要影响范围,在区域经济发展中有重要的引领作用。国外都市区范围根据中心城市与外围地区的通勤联系划分,本质上是与中心城市具有密切经济联系的统一劳动市场区。国内由于统计数据的缺乏,通过通勤联系划分都市区的相关研究难以开展,且划分结果在内涵上与国外都市区差异较大。移动电话是目前普及率最高的移动通讯终端设备,其包含的地理位置标签可反映用户的职住地信息。利用上海移动2014年上半年某两周2G手机信令数据,识别用户的居住地和工作地,参照国外标准,根据中心与外围地区的通勤联系划分上海市都市区。在通勤联系的基础上,尝试采用消费联系作为都市区划分的辅助标准,并对划分结果进行了调整。结果表明:①基于通勤联系的上海都市区主要包括中心城周边地区、松江新城及外围大型工业区,基于消费联系调整的上海都市区包括中心城周边地区、松江、嘉定、青浦等新城及浦东惠南地区、长兴岛,整体上呈现东西略长、南北略窄的形态;②通勤联系和消费联系可以相互结合划分中国的都市区边界,通勤联系作为主要指标,消费联系作为辅助指标;③上海与国外城市都市区差异较大,国外都市区范围扩展极广,上海都市区范围未超过行政边界,局限在在中心城周围相对较小的范围内。
其他语种文摘 A metropolitan area, which plays a dominant role in the regional economic development, is defined as a composite of a densely populated urban core and its surrounding interlocking territories. It is essentially a unified labor market that is delimited by the commute flows between a principal city and the peripheral area in most of foreign countries. However, due to the absence of commuting census data in China, it is either too difficult to conduct delimitations based on the commuting linkage or the results could be completely different from those in foreign countries. We based our delimitation on commuting flows identified from mobile phone data, which records the users' spatio- temporal information while they communicate with the network via towers. First, we inferred the user's residence and workplace using two weeks of China Mobile's 2G mobile signaling data in 2014. Then, we delimited the boundary of Shanghai metropolitan area according to the foreign standards. Additionally, we proposed to utilize the recreational activity, also inferred from the mobile phone data, as an auxiliary standard to adjust the boundary. The conclusions can be drawn as follows: (1) In terms of commuting flows, the Shanghai metropolitan area covers the surrounding area of the central city, the Songjiang new town and the large industrial zones in the urban fringe, while in terms of recreational activity, it includes the surrounding area of the central city, the new towns of Songjiang, Jiading, Qingpu, the Huinan area, and the Changxing Island. Morphologically, the Shanghai metropolitan area is slightly longer in the east-west direction and narrower in the north- south direction. (2) The commuting and recreational connections can be combined to delimit a metropolitan area in China, while the former could be the primary indicator with the latter as the auxiliary. (3) Huge difference exists between the metropolitan area of Shanghai and the foreign ones. The foreign metropolitan areas usually have more expanded ranges covering surrounding jurisdictional zones, while the Shanghai metropolitan area mainly grows within its administrative boundary and is confined to a relatively small area around the central city.
来源 地理学报 ,2018,73(10):1896-1909 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201810006
关键词 都市区 ; 边界划分 ; 手机信令数据 ; 上海

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院, 上海, 200092

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6348986

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