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High-sensitivity phase detecting system for measurement of weak displacement signals on the liquid free surface in thermocapillary convection


曹文慧 1,2   段俐 1   李永强 2   康琦 1  
文摘 在流体力学的研究领域,流体自由面的变化是一种非常重要的物理现象.针对自由面的形变位移,研制一套双频激光相位光电检测系统.将光学干涉技术与相位计相结合,实时获得相位计输出的反映流体表面形变的信号.本文详述了此双频激光相位光电检测系统的原理和装置.通过高精度PI步进电机驱动物体移动,标定系统的性能特性.应用激光位移传感器验证该系统的精度,同时分析环境对干涉测量系统的影响.将该系统应用于浮力热毛细对流自由面形变测量中,获得有意义的实验结果.
其他语种文摘 In the research of fluid mechanics, the change on the fluid free surface is a very important physical phenomenon. To measure the displacement of the free surface deformation, a dual frequency laser photoelectric phase detecting system is developed. Combining the optical interference technology with the phasemeter, the detecting system collects real time phasemeter signals reflecting the deformation on the fluid free surface. The principle and setup of this dual frequency laser photoelectric phase detecting system are discussed in detail in this paper. By using the high-precision PI step motor to drive the object to move, the performance characteristics of the system is determined. The accuracy of this system is verified by the laser displacement sensor, and the environment influence on the interferometry system is also analyzed. Applying this system in the measurement of free surface deformations in buoyancythermocapillary convection, we have obtained meaningful experimental results.
来源 中国科学. 技术科学 ,2018,48(8):908-920 【核心库】
DOI 10.1360/n092017-00366
关键词 表面变形 ; 干涉测量 ; 相位计 ; 热毛细流动

1. 中国科学院力学研究所,中国科学院大学工程科学学院, 北京, 100190  

2. 东北大学理学院, 沈阳, 110819

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1674-7259
学科 力学
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  自然科学基金联合基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:6336616

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