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Effect of joints on blasting and stress wave propagation


赵安平 1,2   冯春 3 *   郭汝坤 3   李世海 3   贾建军 4  
文摘 建立节理岩体一维分析模型并进行量纲分析,探讨节理特性对应力波传播规律的影响。单节理时,应力波通过节理后出现了明显的延时和振幅衰减,但主频无明显变化;多节理时,随着节理间距及节理数量的增加,透射应力波幅值均有所降低,且节理岩体等效波速随着节理数量的增加而线性减小。采用连续–非连续单元方法(CDEM),探讨节理强度、节理刚度、节理刚度/强度、节理间距、节理倾角等参数对爆破效果的影响规律,并通过平均破碎尺寸、极限破碎尺寸、大块率、系统破裂度及等效损伤因子等指标进行综合评价。计算结果表明:爆破效果随着节理强度(刚度)的降低而逐渐变差,当节理的强度(刚度)达到岩块强度的1/1 000后,更低的节理强度(刚度)对爆破效果的影响不大;当节理强度和刚度取为岩块的1/1 000时,节理间距越密集,爆破效果越差,但节理倾角对爆破效果的影响不大。节理岩体中爆破时,爆破能量被圈闭在炮孔与附近的节理面之间,导致炮孔附近区域过于破碎,而远离炮孔的区域破碎较少;因此,爆区内节理的发育程度与爆破效果之间存在负相关关系。
其他语种文摘 A one dimensional model for jointed rock is established and dimension analysis is carried out to investigate the effect of joints on stress wave propagation. For a single joint,the stress wave exhibited obvious time delay and amplitude attenuation,but there was no significant change in the main frequency. For multiple joints,the amplitudes of transmitted stress waves were reduced as the spacing and number of joints increased. The equivalent wave velocity in the jointed rock masses was reduced linearly as the number of joints increased. The influence of several joint parameters,such as the strength,stiffness,spacing and dip angle,on the blasting effect was discussed by using the Continuous-Discontinuous Element Method,which was then comprehensively evaluated in terms of several indexes such as the average fragmentation sizes,limit fragmentation sizes, percentage of massive blocks,system fragmentation degree and equivalent damage factor. The calculated results show that the blasting effect become worse gradually as the decreasing of strength(stiffness) of joint. When the strength(stiffness) of the joint is smaller than one thousandth of that of rock, the strength(stiffness) of joint has little influence on the blasting effect. When the strength(stiffness) of the joint is one thousandth of that of rock,the blasting effect is worse as the joints come closer,however,the dip angle of the joints has little influence on the blasting effect. Due to the fact that the blasting energy is trapped between the blast hole and adjacent joints during blasting in the jointed rock mass,the area near the blast hole is always over fragmented,whereas the area far away from the blast hole is under fragmented. A negative correlation is thus found between the development degree of the joints within the blasting area and the blasting effect.
来源 岩石力学与工程学报 ,2018,37(9):2027-2036 【核心库】
DOI 10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2018.0270
关键词 岩石力学 ; 节理岩体 ; 应力波 ; 台阶爆破 ; 破碎尺寸 ; 大块率 ; 损伤因子

1. 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 中国科学院页岩气与地质工程院重点实验室, 北京, 100029  

2. 中国科学院大学, 北京, 100049  

3. 中国科学院力学研究所, 中国科学院流固耦合系统力学重点实验室, 北京, 100190  

4. 鞍钢矿业爆破有限公司, 辽宁, 鞍山, 114046

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-6915
学科 建筑科学
基金 国家重点研发计划 ;  广东宏大爆破股份有限公司“基于数字模拟的露天爆破设计软件”研发项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6322873

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