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Reasons for the increasing information entropy of suburban land use structure during the period of urbanization


文摘 本文认为,此前一直被当作城市化地区的土地利用结构信息熵快速上升,应是指城市化地区郊区的土地利用结构信息熵上升。城市化时期郊区土地利用结构向均衡化方向的明显变动,引起了郊区土地利用结构信息熵的上升;城市建成区的土地利用结构信息熵却未有上升,其各种土地利用类型的面积占比在城市化时期基本稳定,或向居民点及工矿用地、交通用地类型有所集中,导致其土地利用结构信息熵基本不变或有所下降。郊区的局部城市化区域对郊区土地利用结构信息熵的上升有着主要贡献。数据分析显示,城市化时期郊区的农用地较多较快地转化成了城市建设用地,且后者的面积占比与土地利用结构信息熵之间具有高度正相关关系,说明城市建设用地的快速增加是引起郊区土地利用结构信息熵上升的主要原因。熵变化分析表明,城市化时期郊区系统的熵变化与郊区土地利用结构信息熵的变动方向一致,均大于零,表征了郊区的自然地理环境演化在此期间是向着有序性降低的方向发展的。
其他语种文摘 This paper pointed out that the alleged rapid increase of the information entropy of the land use structure in the urbanized areas should refer to the increase of the information entropy of the suburban land use structure in the urbanized areas. The obvious shift of the suburban land use structure towards the equilibrium direction during the period of urbanization leads to the increase of the information entropy of the suburban land use structure. Meanwhile the information entropy of the land use structure in urban built-up area has not increased. The proportion of various land use types in the urban built-up area during the period of urbanization is basically stable or enlarged on the residential areas, industrial and mining areas as well as the transportation land to some extent. This makes the information entropy of the land use structure in the urban built- up area basically remain unchanged or decrease somewhat. The local urbanized areas in the suburbs have made major contributions to the increase of the information entropy of the suburban land use structure. Data analysis shows that a great amount of suburban farmland is quickly transformed into urban construction land during the period of urbanization and the proportion of the urban construction land is highly and positively correlated with the information entropy of the suburban land use structure. It can be seen that the rapid increase of the urban construction land is the main reason for the increasing information entropy of the suburban land use structure. The analysis of entropy change indicates that the entropy of suburban system during the period of urbanization displays the same changing trend with the information entropy of the suburban land use structure, and both of them are greater than zero, which suggests that the suburban natural environments during the period of urbanization develop in a decline.
来源 地理学报 ,2018,73(9):1647-1657 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201809003
关键词 土地利用结构 ; 城市化地区 ; 自然地理环境演化 ; 信息熵 ; 人地关系

太原师范学院地理科学学院, 晋中, 030619

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 山西省软科学项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6322266

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