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Spatial variation of extreme temperature change on southern and northern slopes of Shaanxi section in Qinling Mountains during 1960-2013


张扬 1,2   白红英 1,2 *   苏凯 1,2   黄晓月 1,2   孟清 1,2   郭少壮 1,2  
文摘 作为气候变化研究的重要内容,极端气温研究对生态环境保护和灾害事件预警具有重要意义.根据1960-2013年秦岭32个气象站点的逐日气温资料,采用RClimDex软件、克里格插值法、线性倾向估计法和相关性分析法,研究秦岭山地陕西段(简称秦岭)气温的空间分布特点,以及极端气温的空间变化特征.结果表明:① 1960-2013年秦岭年平均气温、年最高气温和年最低气温分别为10.48 ℃、16.44 ℃和6.18 ℃;秦岭北坡气温在低海拔区高于南坡,在中、高海拔区低于南坡;南北坡的气温差值在低海拔区域最小,中海拔区域最大.②秦岭极端气温的频率、强度和持续时间均表现为增加趋势,极端气温变化的敏感区域位于南坡的镇安、柞水和北坡的周至、户县.③秦岭北坡极端气温频率的变化更明显,秦岭南坡极端气温强度和持续时间的变化更明显;且北坡的增温主要发生在夜间,南坡的增温主要发生在白昼.④秦岭极端气温的变暖速率随海拔升高而增大,高海拔区域极端气温频率和强度的变化最明显,中海拔区域极端气温持续时间的变化最明显.
其他语种文摘 Research on extreme temperature is of great significance to ecological and environmental protection and disaster warning in the context of climate change. Based on the daily temperature data observed from 32 meteorological stations from 1960 to 2013, we studied the spatial distributions of air temperature and extreme temperature in the Shaanxi section in Qinling Mountains by integrating the methods of Kriging interpolation, linearity estimation and correlation analysis and the RClimDex software. The results showed that: (1) The annual average temperature, maximum temperature and minimum temperature in the study area were 10.48℃ , 16.44℃ and 6.18℃ during the last 54 years, respectively. The temperature on the southern slope of Qinling Mountains was higher than that on the northern slope in the middlealtitude area and high- altitude area, and lower than that in northern slope in the low- altitude area. The difference in air temperature between the northern and southern slopes was lower in the low-altitude area and greater in the middle-altitude area. (2) The frequency, intensity and duration of extreme temperature all tended to increase in the Qinling Mountains. The zones sensitive to extreme temperature change were Zhenan and Zhashui located on the southern slope as well as Zhouzhi and Huxian on the northern slope. (3) The variety of the extreme temperature change was more obvious in frequency on the northern slope while in intensity and duration on the southern slope. Moreover, warming occurred mainly in the night on the northern slope but in the daytime on the southern slope. (4) The warming rate of extreme temperature in the study area increased with the increase of altitude. The change of frequency and intensity of extreme temperature was more obvious in the high- altitude area, and the duration of extreme temperature more obvious in the middle-altitude area.
来源 地理学报 ,2018,73(7):1296-1308 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201807009
关键词 秦岭陕西段 ; 气候变化 ; 极端气温 ; 空间差异

1. 西北大学城市与环境学院, 西安, 710127  

2. 西北大学, 陕西省地表系统与环境承载力重点实验室, 西安, 710127

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 大气科学(气象学)
基金 国家林业公益性行业科研专项
文献收藏号 CSCD:6278870

参考文献 共 35 共2页

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1. 基于站点数据外推新疆地区气温和降水数据集(1961-1990)


1. 1960-2014年北京极端气温重建数据集

2. 基准期(1986-2005)与升温1.5℃(2020-2039)情景下中国干旱频率与持续时间数据集

3. 基准期(1986-2005)和升温1.5℃(2020-2039)情景下中国干旱人口暴露度数据集

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