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Positive intervention model of quality of life and learning ability of autistic children


刘亚萍 1,2 *   陈文锋 3 *   傅小兰 1,2  
文摘 目前,对孤独症儿童的干预模式逐步由医学模式转向社会模式,孤独症儿童更需要人文精神与社会情怀,需要生命观、伦理观来解读.孤独症领域的实证研究成果转化为适应社会生活为目的的实操体系才能最终使患儿及其家庭受益,同时也确保理论有效普及.某种意义上,协助患儿适应生活与生存即为“治疗”.本文通过文献及个案研究,进行了孤独症儿童生活和学习能力正向干预模式的前期探索.
其他语种文摘 Although each autistic child is a unique individual, to understand the inherent mechanisms of autism, the research must focus on the common attributes among most cases of autism. From the holistic perspective of life, the common attribute of behavioral and psychological interventions for autism is to improve the abilities of autistic children to adapt to social life. The holistic view of life suggests that ideal autism intervention is not to treat autistic children in an environment separate from their daily living, but to heal through natural development in their daily lives. Notably, the intervention for autistic children is gradually changing from a medical model to a social model, which requires more humanistic spirit and social sentiment and particular perspectives of life and ethical values. Thus, the empirical research on autism should be translated into practical programs with a purpose of adaption in social life, so that autistic children and their families can maximize benefit from the empirical research. In some sense, “treatment” is to help autistic children to adapt to life and survival. Considering that family members play the core roles in raising autistic children, an intervention method with practicable programs, not academic outcomes, would benefit the parents more directly. Compared with the academic literature, it seems that the writings of autistic people and the parents who have raised children with autism are more convincing and helpful. This is because these documents provide a more practical bridge for the communication between family members and autistic children. Based on a summary analysis of such literature and by conducting a case study, we proposed a positive intervention model of autistic children to improve their life skills and learning ability. This study analyzed 20 manuals for family intervention of children with autism, and the common intervention methods were summarized and applied in the five-year case study. We summarized effective intervention ideas and treatments and proposed a positive intervention model for autistic children. This study also predicted the necessary conditions to maximize the rehabilitation of children with autism, such as intervention therapy at two years of age, a harmonious family environment, the presence of at least one family member to monitor the implementation and coordination of rehabilitation training, and professional and systematic interventions in behaviors and language. The effectiveness of many positive intervention methods is uncertain in the short term. To obtain a reliable outcome, long-term tracking of the growth of the autistic cases for many years is necessary to conclude from the overall development of the children. To test and improve the positive intervention model, we aim to conduct further studies to get more data from parents and autism rehabilitation centers through surveys and interviews and to conduct more case studies with the families for long-term tracking.
来源 科学通报 ,2018,63(15):1474-1481 【核心库】
DOI 10.1360/N972017-01242
关键词 孤独症 ; 干预理论 ; 正向干预 ; 生命观

1. 中国科学院心理研究所, 北京, 100101  

2. 中国科学院大学心理学系, 北京, 100049  

3. 中国人民大学心理学系, 北京, 100872

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0023-074X
学科 神经病学与精神病学
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:6273185

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2 霍超 自闭症谱系障碍个体的共情干预:扬长还是补短? 心理科学进展,2021,29(5):849-863
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