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Research of life test and design of system for satellite-borne infrared detector assembly


洪津 1   王征云 1,2   胡亚东 1   张元贞 1,2   孙晓兵 1  
文摘 探测器是航天有效载荷中完成光电转换的核心部件,且一旦发射升空,几乎不可能对其进行维护、修理和更换。采用经过筛选的无寿命数据的商业红外探测器存在风险,热电制冷器(TEC)的使用寿命是探测器组件寿命的薄弱环节,其可靠性对探测器的正常使用具有重要影响。因此,对红外探测器组件的寿命试验研究至关重要。首先分析了某航天载荷红外探测器的工作模式及TEC的失效机理,制定了恒定应力结合定数截尾的加速寿命试验方案降低时间成本;然后,从硬件和软件的两个部分详细地阐述了红外探测器寿命试验系统的搭建,并展示了设备实物图和红外探测器温度循环效果图;最后,运行寿命试验系统,试验时间累积约170d,红外探测器温度循环累积约30 000次。试验结果指出:两种型号星载红外探测器经过寿命试验后G12180相对光谱响应率最大变化1.45%,G12183相对光谱响应率最大变化4.44%,G12180组件热电制冷器制冷驱动电流最大增加了4.30%,G12183组件热电制冷器制冷驱动电流最大增加了7.50%,探测器组件的使用寿命和性能变化满足航天载荷需求。
其他语种文摘 The detector is the core component of the photoelectric conversion in the satellite-borne, and once launched,it is almost impossible for the maintenance,repair and replacement.Using The screened commercial infrared detector without life data has the risk.The service life of the thermoelectric cooler(TEC)is the weak link of the life of detector assembly,and its reliability has an important influence on the normal use of the detector.Therefore,it is important to study the life test of the infrared detector assembly.Firstly,the working mode of the satellite-borne infrared detector and the failure mechanism of TEC were analyzed.The accelerated life test method with constant stress combined with fixed number truncation was developed to reduce the time cost.Secondly,the hardware and software of the infrared detector life test system was described in detail,demonstrated the equipment and temperature cycle of the infrared detector;Finally,the life test system was operated, the test time accumulated for about 170days,and the temperature cycle of the infrared detector accumulated about 30 000times.The test result indicated that the maximum changes of the relative photosensitivity of G12180and G12183 were 1.45% and 4.44%,respectively.The maximus increments of the cooling current of G12180and G12183component TEC were 4.30%and 7.50%, respectively.It can be seen that the life and performance changes of the detector assembly meet the aerospace load requirements.
来源 光学精密工程 ,2018,26(5):1148-1155 【核心库】
DOI 10.3788/ope.20182605.1148
关键词 航天载荷 ; 红外探测器 ; 恒定应力 ; 定数截尾 ; 寿命试验 ; 温度循环

1. 中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所, 安徽, 合肥, 230031  

2. 中国科学技术大学, 安徽, 合肥, 230026

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1004-924X
学科 自动化技术、计算机技术
基金 国家国防科工局高分专项(民用部分)资助项目 ;  中国科学院重点项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6253569

参考文献 共 18 共1页

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