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Effect of perforation on flow past a conic cylinder at Re = 100: vortex-shedding pattern and force history


文摘 The flow past a circular-section cylinder with a conic shroud perforated with four holes at the peak was simulated numerically at Re = 100, considering two factors, viz. the angle of attack and the diameter of the holes. The effects of the perforated conic shroud on the vortex shedding pattern in the nearwakewas mainly investigated, as well as the time history of the drag and lift forces. In the investigated parameter space, three flow regimes were generally identified, corresponding to weak, moderate, and strong disturbance effects. In regime I, the wake can mainly be described by alternately shedding Karman or Karman-like vortices. In regime II, the spanwise vortices are obviously disturbed along the span due to the appearance of additional vorticity components and their interactions with the spanwise vortices, but still shed in synchronization along the spanwise direction. In regime III, the typical Karman vortices partially or totally disappear, and some new vortex shedding patterns appear, such as Ω-type, obliquely shedding, and crossed spanwise vortices with opposite sign. Corresponding to these complex vortex shedding patterns in the near wake, the fluid forces no longer oscillate regularly at a single vortex shedding frequency, but rather with a lower modulation frequency and multiple amplitudes. An overview of these flow regimes is presented.
来源 Acta Mechanica Sinica ,2018,34(2):238-256 【核心库】
DOI 10.1007/s10409-017-0707-2
关键词 Vortex shedding pattern ; Fluid forces ; Flow control ; Conical shroud ; Perforation

Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Laboratory for Mechanics in Fluid Solid Coupling Systems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190

语种 英文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0567-7718
学科 力学
基金 supported by the National Key Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development Program of China
文献收藏号 CSCD:6248910

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引证文献 3

1 Lin L M Effect of perforation on flow past a conic cylinder at Re = 100: wavy vortex and sign laws Acta Mechanica Sinica,2018,34(5):812-829
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2 Lin L M DNS in evolution of vorticity and sign relationship in wake transition of a circular cylinder:(pure)mode A Acta Mechanica Sinica,2019,35(6):1131-1149
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