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Design of Filters Using the Hybrid Structure of Dual /Triple- Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide and Ground Coplanar Waveguides


文摘 针对微波带通滤波器小型化、高性能的应用需求,提出使用双/三模方形基片集成波导和共面波导混合结构设计带通滤波器.通过改变双模基片集成波导中TE_(102)和TE_(201)的谐振频率和外部耦合的强弱,可实现具有近似椭圆、非对称和无传输零点响应的双模滤波器;两个相同尺寸的共面波导作为谐振器蚀刻在基片集成波导表面,与TE_(102)和TE_(201)共同形成一个通带,设计具有多样性响应的四阶滤波器.在具有非对称响应四阶滤波器的基础上,使主模TE_(101)频率移动到该通带附近,设计更宽带宽的五阶滤波器.并对设计的滤波器进行加工和测试.测试结果与仿真结果吻合,表明了该混合结构设计高性能滤波器方法的可行性.
其他语种文摘 A class of planar bandpass filters (BPFs) using dual /triple-mode substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) resonator and ground coplanar waveguides (GCPWs) are proposed according to miniaturization and high selectivity. The quasi-elliptic, asymmetric and non-transmission zero (TZ) response dual-mode SIW filters can be realized by changing resonance frequencies of TE_(102) and TE_(201), and the external couplings. Two GCPWs of the same size are etched on SIW cavity top metal plane; and the TE_(102),TE_(201) and two GCPWs in a single SIW cavity are combined to construct the diversified response fourth-order filters. On the basis of asymmetric and non-TZ response, the fundamental mode TE_(101) can be shifted to the passband to form a fifth-order filter with wider bandwidth. The designed BPFs were fabricated and measured; and the simulated and measured results agree with each other,demonstrating the feasibility of using hybrid dual /triple-mode SIW and CPWs in a single cavity to design BPFs.
来源 电子学报 ,2018,46(4):952-960 【核心库】
DOI 10.3969/j.issn.0372-2112.2018.04.025
关键词 带通滤波器 ; 基片集成波导 ; 共面波导 ; 近似椭圆响应 ; 非对称响应 ; 双模 ; 三模

解放军信息工程大学信息系统工程学院, 河南, 郑州, 450001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0372-2112
学科 电子技术、通信技术
文献收藏号 CSCD:6238253

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1 刘庆 新型负耦合结构在基片集成波导滤波器中的应用 强激光与粒子束,2019,31(12):123001
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2 刘庆 小型化双层基片集成波导盒型耦合拓扑滤波器设计 电子学报,2022,50(11):2668-2677
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