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Preliminary Physical Design and Blanket Neutronics Analysis of a Transmutation System Driven by the Gas Dynamic Trap Based Fusion Neutron Source


曾秋孙 1,2   邹小亮 1,2   廉超 1   陈德鸿 1 *   王明煌 1   陈志斌 1   柏云清 1   吴宜灿 1  
文摘 随着核裂变能的不断发展,在提供清洁能源的同时也带来了核废料处理的问题,特别是长寿命的高放射性核素安全处置变得越发重要,通过核嬗变处理核废料是一种公认的行之有效的方法。基于Gas Dynamic Trap(GDT)磁镜装置的聚变中子源具有物理与工程技术难度小、中子通量高、结构紧凑成本低的优点,非常适合作为嬗变系统的聚变驱动器。本文初步设计一套GDT聚变中子源驱动的次锕系核素嬗变系统,其中,GDT聚变中子源作为嬗变系统的驱动器,能够提供两个长度达4 m、总中子产额达5.23×10~(18) n/s的高中子通量区;次临界包层设计采用现有成熟的裂变反应堆技术。本文采用自主研发的中子输运设计与安全评价软件系统SuperMC及混合评价核数据库HENDL进行了中子学计算及性能分析,初步分析结果表明该嬗变系统能够实现年处理95.1 kg的次锕系核素,嬗变支持比达到4.8,同时产生450 MW的电能,该嬗变系统具有较优的应用前景。
其他语种文摘 As the number of the fission power plants increasing to provide carbon-free electricity, its byproduct that spent nuclear fuel is also accumulating. Safe disposal of the accumulated long-lived and high-level radioactive nuclear wastes become a growing problem throughout the world. Transmutation is considered as a possible way for reducing the volume and hazard of the radioactive waste. A transmutation system driven by gas dynamic trap (GDT) based fusion neutron source (FNS) is designed and analyzed preliminarily in this paper. The GDT-based FNS fusion driver has two 4 m length high neutron-zones with total neutron yield of 5.23×10~(18) n/s. The sub-critical blanket is designed based on the well-developed technologies of fission reactors. The preliminary numerical simulation and performance analysis of the fission blanket are performed by using the Super Multi-functional Calculation Program for Nuclear Design and Safety Evaluation (SuperMC) and Hybrid Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (HENDL) developed by the FDS Team. The simulation results show the transmutation system can transmute about 95.1 kg minor actinides per year, which indicates the transmutation support ratio reaches 4.8,and produce about 450 MW of electricity power. Hence, this transmutation system has a good application prospect.
来源 核科学与工程 ,2018,38(2):217-224 【核心库】
关键词 嬗变系统 ; GDT(gas dynamic trap) ; 聚变中子源 ; 次临界包层

1. 中国科学院核能安全技术研究所, 中国科学院中子输运理论与辐射安全重点实验室, 安徽, 合肥, 230031  

2. 中国科学技术大学, 安徽, 合肥, 230026

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0258-0918
学科 原子能技术
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中国科学院信息化专项项目 ;  国家磁约束核聚变能发展研究专项项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6231971

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