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Spatial differentiation mechanisms of the pattern evolution of construction land development intensity in Northeast China


文摘 建设用地开发强度是区域建设用地开发利用程度及其对区域人口和经济社会承载强度的综合反映。本文以东北地区179个县域空间为基本研究单元,应用冷热点、空间变差函数、 GWR模型等定量方法对建设用地开发强度的时空分异格局演变及分异机制进行了探讨,得出以下结论:① 2000-2015年东北地区建设用地开发强度总体呈现出增长态势,但空间分异显著,各单元间建设用地开发强度高低的相互作用及联动效应较为明显,但建设用地开发强度的空间分布逐渐趋于非均衡,建设用地开发强度的冷热点分布格局与全局分异变化及空间异质性态势基本吻合;② 2000年东北地区开发强度格局分异由政府财政投入力度、用地投资强度和产业结构水平共同影响,到2005-2015年发展演化为政府财政投入力度、用地投资强度、经济发展水平和产业结构水平共同影响;③ 2000-2015年政府财政投入力度、用地投资强度、经济发展水平和产业结构水平与东北地区建设用地开发强度格局分布态势具有一定的关联性,但在不同区域呈现出影响程度的差异性。
其他语种文摘 The development intensity of construction land is a comprehensive reflection of the regional construction land development degree and its carrying capacity of regional population, economy and society. We construct a theoretical framework and measurement model for the development intensity of construction land. Taking 179 counties in Northeast China as the research object, we use the spatial autocorrelation and spatial variogram to explore the evolution of spatial-temporal differentiation of the development intensity of construction land. We also use the ordinary least square (OLS) model and the geographically weighted regression (GWR) model to analyze the influencing factors and the spatial differentiation mechanisms of the construction land development intensity. The research reveals the following points: (1) The development intensity of construction land shows an increasing tendency from 2000 to 2015 and its spatial variance is significant. The interactions and linkage effects of the development intensity of construction land among different counties are obvious, but the spatial distribution of the development intensity of construction land tends to be unbalanced, and the distribution pattern of the cold-hot spots is basically consistent with the global variation and spatial heterogeneity. (2) The spatial variance of the development intensity of construction land is mainly influenced by the intensity of government financial investment, the investment intensity of land use and the structure of industry development in 2000, while the level of economic development has become a new factor during 2005-2015. (3) There is a correlation between the four influencing factors and the spatial pattern of the development intensity of construction land, but the influence of the four influencing factors in different counties varies greatly.
来源 地理学报 ,2018,73(5):818-831 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201805003
关键词 建设用地开发强度 ; 演变格局 ; 影响因素 ; 空间分异机制 ; 东北地区

东北师范大学地理科学学院, 长春, 130024

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6229006

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