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"Territorial System of Human-environment Interaction":A theoretical cornerstone for comprehensive research on formation and evolution of the geographical pattern


樊杰 1,2  
文摘 同近年国外人文地理学呈现人文化趋势相比,中国人文与经济地理学秉承吴传钧先生关于人文与经济地理学是研究自然圈与人文圈相互作用下、人类活动分布格局形成和演变规律的一门交叉学科的定位,形成了以不同空间尺度的地域、重要的生产生活领域、以及典型的地域空间类型的可持续发展时空规律作为研究指向的中国人文与经济地理学主流学派。吴先生提出的“人地关系地域系统”理论不仅为人文与经济地理学,而且是为整个地理学的综合研究提供了重要的理论基石。地域功能性、系统结构化、时空变异有序过程、以及人地系统效应的差异性及可调控性,是该理论的精髓,这与“未来地球”研究计划的前沿思想完全契合。近10年来,以城镇化科学模式、主体功能区划、一带一路路线图、京津冀城市群、农村空心化和精准扶贫、东北振兴与资源型城市转型、行政区划优化等为研究对象,发展了人文与经济地理重要的可持续过程、地域功能形成和综合地理格局有序化规律、城市群形成演化机理及其资源环境效应、问题地区可持续生命周期与振兴路径、地缘政治地缘经济和区域间相互作用关系、人文界线对可持续发展的影响等理论方法。人文与经济地理学科建设取得重要进展,应用成果对近年来中国生态文明建设和可持续发展产生了重要影响。中国人文与经济地理学在全球范围内发展态势最佳、总体水平领先,以此告慰吴传钧先生,并以此纪念吴传钧先生百年诞辰。
其他语种文摘 Compared with the increasingly obvious humanistic tendency in foreign human geography,China's human and economic geography still follows Academician Wu Chuanjun's theory,with human and economic geography as an interdisciplinary subject which is the study of the formation and evolution of the distribution pattern of human activities under the interaction of natural circle and human circle.And China's mainstream school on human and economic geography has been formed with studies on spatio-temporal rule of sustainable development on territories with different space scales,territories with important production and living,and territories with typical geospatial patterns as the main research points."Territorial System of Human-environment Interaction",developed by Academician Wu Chuanjun,is the important theoretical foundation not only for human and economic geography,but also for the comprehensive research on geography.The essence of the theory,which includes territorial functional,system structured,orderly process for spatio-temporal variation,and the difference and controllability of human-environment interaction system effect,is entirely harmonious with the forefront of thought of the "Future Earth" studies program.In recent decade,with scientific mode of urbanization,major function oriented zoning,road map for the Belt and Road Initiative,Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration,rural hollowing and targeted poverty alleviation,revitalization of Northeast China and transformation of resource-based cities,and administrative area optimization as the main research objects,theoretical methods have been developed in the aspects of important sustainable process of human and economic geography,territorial function formation and ordering rules for comprehensive geographical pattern,formation and evolution mechanism of urban agglomeration and its resources and environmental effects,sustainable life cycle and the revitalization of the path for problem areas,the interaction between geopolitics,geo-economy and regions,and effect of cultural boundaries on sustainable development.China's human and economic geography has made great progress in discipline development,and the application results have produced profound influences on the ecological civilization construction and sustainable development in recent years.With decades of hard work,China's human and economic geography has reached a world-class advanced level,so as to console the soul and spirit of Wu Chuanjun on the occasion of commemoration of the centenary of his birth.
来源 地理学报 ,2018,73(4):597-607 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201804001
关键词 吴传钧 ; 人地关系地域系统 ; 地理格局 ; 人文地理学 ; 经济地理学 ; 区域 ; 可持续发展

1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室, 北京, 100101  

2. 中国科学院大学资源与环境科学学院, 北京, 100049

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6220403

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