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Preparation and Application of Nanometer NCS in Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage


文摘 镍-钴双金属硫化物(NiCo_2S_4)具有典型的AB_2O_4尖晶石结构,NiCo_2S_4的电导率比NiCo_2O_4电导率高两个数量级,在室温下的电导率高达1.25×10~6 S·m~(-1)。此外,NiCo_2S_4可提供比相应的单组分硫化物更有效的氧化还原反应,由于其独特的纳米结构和电化学性能,具有很大的应用潜力。本文系统地综述了不同结构纳米NiCo_2S_4的制备及其在电化学能量转换和储存中的应用,介绍了NiCo_2S_4纳米材料的形貌特征、物化特性以及合成方法。预处理条件、制备方法和生长基体都会对NiCo_2S_4纳米结构的形貌和性能产生影响,不同纳米结构(如纳米针、纳米线、纳米棒、纳米管、纳米盒、纳米片、纳米板和层次结构)的NiCo_2S_4可通过多种方法制得(如水热法和溶剂热法、低温合成法、阴离子交换法、蒸气转换法、电沉积方法、共沉淀法和自组装等),其中最常用的是水热和溶剂热法,因为它们成本低、易于处理且适合大规模制造。同时,总结了NiCo_2S_4纳米材料在电催化、超级电容器和锂离子电池领域中的应用现状;分析和比较其不同纳米结构的制备工艺、方法和应用,希望能促进NiCo_2S_4纳米材料在电化学能量转换和储存领域的发展;最后提出NiCo_2S_4纳米材料的发展及应用方向。
其他语种文摘 Nickel-cobalt bimetallic sulfide (NiCo_2S_4) has a typical AB_2O_4 spinel structure. The conductivity of NiCo_2S_4 is two orders of magnitude higher than that of NiCo_2O_4,and its conductivity is 1.25 ×10~6 S·m~(-1) at room temperature. In addition,NiCo_2S_4 provides a more efficient redox reaction than the corresponding onecomponent sulfide,and has great potential for its unique nanostructures and electrochemical properties. In this paper,the preparation of NiCo_2S_4 nanostructures and its application in electrochemical energy conversion and storage are reviewed. The morphology,physicochemical properties and synthesis methods of NiCo_2S_4 nano materials are introduced. Pretreatment conditions,preparation methods and growth matrix will have an effect on the morphology and properties of NiCo_2S_4 nanostructures. NiCo_2S_4 with different nanostructures (such as nanoneedles, nanowires, nanorods, nanotubes, nanocapses, nanosheets, nanostructures and hierarchical structures) can be prepared by a variety of methods (such as hydrothermal method and solvent heat method,low temperature synthesis method,anion exchange method,steam conversion method,electrodeposition method, coprecipitation method and self-assembly,etc.). Among them,hydrothermal and solvothermal are the most commonly used methods because they have the characteristics of low cost,easy handling and suitable for large scale manufacturing. The application status of NiCo_2S_4 nano materials in electrocatalysis,supercapacitors and lithium ion batteries is summarized. This paper analyzes and compares the preparation process,method and application of different nanostructures,hoping to promote the development of NiCo_2S_4 nano materials in the field of electrochemical energy conversion and storage. The development and application direction of NiCo_2S_4 nano materials are proposed.
来源 化学进展 ,2017,29(11):1422-1434 【核心库】
DOI 10.7536/pc170560
关键词 NiCo_2S_4 ; 电极材料 ; 形貌与性质 ; 制备

哈尔滨工业大学(威海)应用化学系, 威海, 264209

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1005-281X
学科 化学
基金 山东省重大专项
文献收藏号 CSCD:6165918

参考文献 共 69 共4页

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