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Suitability evaluation of gridded population distribution: A case study in rural area of Xuanzhou District, China


文摘 人口密度格网尺度适宜性研究旨在遴选适宜格网,较好表达人口分布位置,揭示人口分布差异,提高人口数据空间化质量。以安徽省宣州区的乡村区域为研究区,设计了人口密度格网尺度适宜性评价方法,通过构建位置表达度、数值信息表达度和空间关系表达度三类评价指标,开展了人口密度格网尺度适宜性评价研究,结合格网尺度一指标数值关系曲线,确定人口密度适宜格网尺度遴选方案,选取适宜格网尺度,评价了人口密度适宜格网的尺度合理性。结果表明:兼顾位置、数值精度、空间关系三方面的表达度,40 m、50 m格网是一个相对适宜的格网尺度,是生产高质量人口空间数据的适宜格网。初步研究表明,针对本研究区的人口密度格网尺度适宜性评价方案是合理的、有效的,是生产高质量人口空间数据遴选适宜格网的有效方法。
其他语种文摘 Grid cell is the basic unit to express population distribution based on gridded population data. The choice of suitable grid size is very important, as the resolution must be fine enough to capture the desired spatial variation of population within the area of interest. The research on grid size suitability refers to determinate an appropriate grid size for revealing the population distribution difference and the distribution position for human beings in geographical space. It is important to provide improvement in accuracies of gridded population distribution. However, currently little research has been done in this area. Many well-modeled gridded population dataset are basically built at a single grid scale. If the grid cell size is not appropriate, it will result in spatial information loss or data redundancy. Besides, there is scale dependency in the spatial distribution of population. And the characteristics of population distribution patterns are different at varied grid scales. This study designed a scheme on grid size suitability evaluation method. The rural area of Xuanzhou District in Anhui Province was selected as the study area. The research on grid size suitability was carried out by constructing three kinds of expressed levels, which included location expressed level, numeric information expressed level and spatial relationship expressed level. The scheme on choosing suitable grid size was determined in combination of grid size-indicator value curves. Then the suitable grid size was selected and its rationality was evaluated. Results reveal that comsidering three expressions of location, numeric information and spatial relationship, 40 m and 50 m grids are relatively suitable grid size, which can be recommended as the appropriate scale for generating a high-quality gridded population distribution in the study area. Based on the preliminary study, result also indicates that it is reasonable and effective to assess grid size suitability by the evaluation method in three perspectives of expressed level. It is expected that the method on grid size suitability can make contributions to the advancement of accurate gridded population mapping.
来源 地理学报 ,2017,72(12):2310-2324 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201712014
关键词 人口密度 ; 格网尺度 ; 适宜格网 ; 安徽宣州区

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 资源环境信息系统国家重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6137106

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