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李景传 1   梁立红 1   刘小明 1   马寒松 1   宋晶如 1   魏悦广 2  
文摘 本文系统地开展了金属/环氧/金属胶结体系的强韧机理及失效行为实验研究,针对铝合金圆棒与铝合金圆棒通过环氧树脂胶层的各种斜截面方向粘结,实验观测了该体系的拉伸变形和失效行为,测量了界面失效载荷对胶层厚度和粘结界面倾斜角的依赖关系;通过引入胶结界面平均正应力、平均剪应力、平均正应变、平均剪应变等概念,可对界面失效强度进行测量,获得界面强度与界面粘结角度以及胶层厚度的关系,进而获得了铝合金/环氧胶层/铝合金体系的强度失效面以及胶结界面的断裂能和胶结体系的能量释放率. 上述研究结果为深入认识金属胶结体系的强韧性能和失效机制提供了科学依据,对金属胶结体系的优化设计和性能评判具有重要指导意义. 研究结果表明,铝合金/环氧胶层/铝合金体系的拉伸失效总体呈弹脆性破坏特征,失效表现为胶层粘结界面的断裂,失效强度和界面断裂能在胶层厚度为百微米量级时表现出强烈的尺度效应:界面粘结强度随着胶层厚度的减小而显著增大,临界状态的平均正应力和平均剪应力在强度破坏面上近似位于同一圆上,界面断裂能随着胶层厚度的减小而显著减小;与此同时,界面失效强度和界面断裂能也密切依赖于界面粘结角度.
其他语种文摘 In the present research, we carry out a systematical experimental investigations on the strength, toughness and failure mechanism of the metal/epoxy/metal adhesive system. For the case of the aluminum alloy cylinder/ epoxy/aluminum alloy cylinder adhesive system, we measure the tensile deformation and failure behaviors, including the dependence of the failure loading on the adhesive layer thickness and adhesive interfacial inclined angle. Through introducing a series of definitions, such as average normal stress, average shear stress, average normal strain and average shear strain, along the adhesive interface, we realize the measurements on interfacial failure strength, and obtain the relationship between the interfacial strength and the interfacial adhesive angle as well as adhesive layer thickness, and we further obtain the failure strength surface, adhesive interfacial fracture energy, as well as the energy release rate for the binding system of the aluminum alloy/epoxy adhesive/aluminum alloy. The obtained results provide a scientific basis for deeply understanding the strength and toughness properties as well as the failure mechanism of the metal adhesive system, and have an important guiding for the optimization design and property evolution of the metal adhesive system. Through present systematic research and analysis, we come to the following conclusions: The tensile failure of the aluminum alloy/epoxy/aluminum alloy adhesive system globally displays the brittle-elastically failure behavior. Failure mode is the fracture along the adhesive interface of adhesive layer. Both failure strength and interfacial fracture energy display the strong size effect when adhesive layer thickness is at hundred micron level. Interfacial adhesive strength increases obviously as adhesive thickness decreases. At critical state the average normal stress and average shear stress are approximately situated at a same circle on the strength failure surface. The interfacial fracture energy decreases obviously as adhesive layer thickness decreases. Both interfacial failure strength and interfacial fracture energy are closely depended on the interfacial adhesive angle.
来源 力学学报 ,2017,49(6):1213-1222 【核心库】
DOI 10.6052/0459-1879-17-321
关键词 金属胶结 ; 胶层厚度 ; 失效载荷 ; 失效强度 ; 界面能

1. 中国科学院力学研究所, 非线性力学国家重点实验室, 北京, 100190  

2. 北京大学工学院, 北京, 100871

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0459-1879
学科 金属学与金属工艺
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6123045

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1 杨怡 基于双剪实验的CFRP-钢板界面粘结性能研究 中山大学学报. 自然科学版(中英文),2021,60(6):62-70
CSCD被引 2


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