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Evaluation of eco-efficiency of four major urban agglomerations in eastern coastal area of China


任宇飞 1   方创琳 1 *   蔺雪芹 2  
文摘 东部沿海地区城市群是国家经济发展的战略核心区和国家新型城镇化的主体区之一,其经济—生态可持续发展问题是近年来地理研究领域的前沿主题。首先对城市群生态效率进行定义并将其作为城市群可持续发展测度指标;随后运用传统DEA模型及非期望产出SBM模型,对东部沿海地区四大城市群在2005年、2011年、2014年三个时间截面中的经济效率、生态效率进行比较评价并分析了城市群生态效率时空演变特征;最后通过松弛度分析,为改善沿海地区四大城市群生态效率提供了对应建议。结果表明:①山东半岛城市群、长三角城市群、珠三角城市群经济综合效率呈先下降后上升的V字型演变格局,而京津冀城市群经济综合效率始终呈下降趋势,2011年前其受纯技术效率影响较大,2011年后受规模效率影响较大;②京津冀城市群受污染影响带来的效率损失最大,山东半岛城市群相对较小,总体而言,四大城市群生态效率在2005-2011年为下行期,2011-2014为修复期;③沿海四大城市群内城市生态效率时空格局具有不同的演化特征,核心城市周边以及沿海沿江地区城市生态效率相对较优,内陆城市则较低;④京津冀城市群、长三角城市群、珠三角城市群核心城市资源消耗强度高、经济效益产出高、生态效率高,从整体来看,城市群内多数城市呈污染物排放量下降趋势,污染物治理效果较为明显,环境影响问题有所改善;⑤影响东部四大城市群经济生态效率的原因不同,本文从城市群角度进行了差异性分析,并提出了合理化建议。
其他语种文摘 Nowadays, the urban agglomerations in the eastern coastal area of China have been the strategic core regions of national economic development and part of the main regions of the new- type urbanization. However, they suffer a series of eco- environment problems, such as increased consumption of resources, energy and materials. Thus, over the past few years, the eco-environment problem of urban agglomerations has become the forefront subject in the field of geographical research. The paper is unfolded with the definition of the eco- efficiency of urban agglomeration, which is taken as the measurement index of sustainability of urban agglomerations. Subsequently, with the aid of the traditional DEA model and undesirable output model of SBM, the paper carries out a comparative evaluation of the economic efficiency and ecological efficiency of the four major urban agglomerations in eastern China in the three periods of 2005, 2011 and 2014, and analyzes the spatio-temporal characteristics of evolution of urban agglomerations. In conclusion, with an analysis of laxity, the paper proposes corresponding suggestions for the improvement of eco- efficiency of the four major urban agglomerations in coastal China. As is suggested in the results, first and foremost, the overall economic efficiency of urban agglomerations located in Shandong Peninsula, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta displays a V-shaped pattern of "first decrease and then increase". In contrast, the overall economic efficiency of the Beijing- Tianjin- Hebei urban agglomeration declines from the beginning to the end. Before 2011, a significant impact of pure technical efficiency is displayed, and after 2011, it is greatly affected by scale efficiency. Secondly, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration suffers from a considerable loss of efficiency due to the impact of pollution. In contrast, there is a less severe loss in the efficiency of Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration. On the whole, the eco- environment efficiency of the four major urban agglomerations was at a descending stage from 2005 to 2011, and at a revival stage from 2011 to 2014. In addition, the spatio-temporal pattern of urban eco-efficiency in the four major urban agglomerations in the coastal areas is possessed with different evolution characteristics. The peri-urban areas of core cities and riverside and seaside areas have a better urban eco- efficiency, and the inland cities have an inferior urban eco- efficiency. Apart from that, it is found that the core cities of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta urban agglomerations have a high resource consumption, economic benefit output and high eco- efficiency. Overall, most cities in the urban agglomerations demonstrate a declining tendency of pollution emissions, together with marked reduction of pollutants and mitigation of environmental problems. Last but not least, the economic eco- efficiency of the four major urban agglomerations is influenced by different factors. The paper conducts a differential analysis from the perspective of urban agglomeration, and proposed the concrete suggestions.
来源 地理学报 ,2017,72(11):2047-2063 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201711010
关键词 生态效率 ; DEA ; SBM ; 时空分异格局 ; 松弛度分析 ; 东部沿海地区四大城市群

1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101  

2. 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院, 北京, 100048

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金重大项目 ;  国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6109966

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