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Establishment and development of geomorphology and Quaternary sciences at Peking University


文摘 1952年全国高校院系调整后,新建的北京大学地质地理系开始了地貌与第四纪方面的教学和研究,标志着北大地貌第四纪学科的建立。65年来,在新构造活动与构造地貌、气候地貌与沉积、流水地貌与沉积、沉积相与比较沉积学、遥感与地理信息系统、第四纪地层与年代学、第四纪气候与环境变迁、海洋地球化学过程与环境演变、环境考古与古代人地关系研究等方面取得了丰硕成果,在一些领域发挥了创新与引领作用,解决了一系列国家建设中面临的问题,为中国地貌第四纪科学的发展做出了重要贡献。在地理学多元化发展的新形势下,北大地貌第四纪学科发展与科学研究将以地球系统科学的视角,加强地貌学与自然地理学各分支以及地球科学其他领域的交叉与融合,深化不同宏观时空尺度演化与现代过程关联的研究、以及影响地貌演化的地球系统各要素及相互作用研究,系统展开气候变化、环境演变与地貌过程的模拟研究,加强地貌第四纪理论研究和新技术新方法的发展与应用,推动中国地貌第四纪科学向更高水平发展。
其他语种文摘 As a result of the reorganization of the universities and academic departments in 1952, Peking University set up the Department of Geology and Geography and started the teaching and research in Geomorphology and Quaternary science. This marked the establishment of the discipline of Geomorphology and Quaternary at Peking University. Over the past 65 years, great achievements have been made in the fields such as neotectonic activity and tectonic geomorphology, climatic geomorphology, fluvial geomorphology and sedimentology, sedimentary facies and comparative sedimentology, remote sensing and geographical information system, Quaternary stratigraphy and chronology, Quaternary climate and environmental change, marine geochemical processes and environmental evolution, and environmental archaeology and past human- environment interaction. These progresses have not only played an innovative and leading role in some of the related research areas, but also helped to solve a series of practical problems in the national economic development, thus representing great contribution to the development of Geomorphology and Quaternary science in China. With the increasing diversification in the field of geography, the discipline development and scientific research of Geomorphology and Quaternary Science in Peking University will strengthen integration with all branches of physical geography and other fields of Earth Science within the framework of Earth System Science. To contribute more to the development of Geomorphology and Quaternary Science in China, particular emphasis will be put on the research on the links between the geomorphological evolution of different macroscopic spatiotemporal scales and the modern processes, and on the understanding of complex impacts of various components of the earth system on the evolution of geomorphology. Systematic simulation and numerical modeling on the climate change, environmental evolution and geomorphologic processes will be developed. Both theoretical research and the development and application of new technology in Geomorphology and Quaternary Science will be strengthened.
来源 地理学报 ,2017,72(11):1974-1996 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201711005
关键词 北京大学 ; 地貌学 ; 第四纪科学 ; 创建与发展 ; 成果与创新

北京大学城市与环境学院, 地表过程分析与模拟教育部重点实验室, 北京, 100871

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6109961

参考文献 共 204 共11页

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引证文献 2

1 鹿化煜 试论地貌学的新进展和趋势 地理科学进展,2018,37(1):8-15
CSCD被引 9

2 吕红华 不断融入新元素的我国构造地貌学研究:以天山为例 地球科学进展,2020,35(6):594-606
CSCD被引 5


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