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Development and innovations in the human geography discipline at Peking University


文摘 北京大学是中国最早开展人文地理学教学、研究和实践的综合性教学科研单位。人文地理学的前身为1955年成立的北京大学地质地理系经济地理专业。60多年来,北京大学人文地理学秉持“教学科研并重,理论服务实践”的宗旨,从以人文地理基础理论研究为主,逐渐向基础研究与应用实践相结合的纵深拓展,形成了文理工交叉融合的创新研究思维和人文地理学科体系,创建了城市与经济地理系、城市与区域规划系和历史地理研究所。经过60多年的不断发展和开拓创新,对城镇化、城镇体系、城市与区域规划、土地利用评价与规划、产业区位与区域产业演化、产业集群与创新网络、住房与房地产经济、风景名胜区与世界遗产、村镇发展规划、城市社会地理、时间地理与行为地理、历史地理、旅游地理研究与规划、计量地理、交通地理和交通规划等各个领域进行了深入系统的理论研究和应用实践探索,取得了一系列在国内外具有显示度和影响力的创新成果,为国家社会经济发展提供了重要的科技支撑,在推动国家经济社会建设与城乡可持续发展方面做出了重大贡献。未来北京大学人文地理将面向国家战略需求和学科发展前沿,继续包容发展,加强多学科间的交流合作,进一步提升为国家战略决策的服务能力和人文地理学科在世界的学术影响力。
其他语种文摘 The Human Geography Discipline at Peking University (PKU) originated from the Economic Geography Discipline at the Geology and Geography Department which was established in 1955. The department is the first comprehensive teaching and research institute which has teaching, research, and practice activities in the Human Geography Discipline in China. Over the past 60 years, the Human Geography Discipline at PKU has been emphasizing the importance of both teaching and research, and giving priority to practice over theory. It has been experiencing a shift from focusing on the basic theory of the Human Geography Discipline to integrating both basic and applied research. Both an interdisciplinary way of research thinking and an interdisciplinary subject of human geography have been formed with a coordination between liberal arts, sciences and engineering. The Human Geography Discipline is operated together by the Department of Urban and Economic Geography, the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, and the Research Institute of Historical Geography. In the past 60 years, the Human Geography Discipline at PKU has achieved a series of well-recognized, innovative and high impact research outputs in both domestic and overseas in the fields of urbanization, urban system, urban and regional planning, land use assessment and planning, industrial location and regional industry evolvement, industrial clusters and innovation network, housing and real estate economy, scenic areas and world heritage, village and township development planning, urban social geography, time geography and behavior geography, historical geography, tourism geography research and planning, quantitative geography, transport geography and transport planning. These research outputs provide important scientific and technological supports to the national social and economic development, and have significant contributions to sustainable development of the society, the economic system and the urban-rural areas. In the future, the Human Geography Discipline at PKU will be engaged in servicing the national strategies and commit itself to pioneer the discipline development. It will continue to grow with a stress on communications and collaborations between disciplinary subjects. It will enhance its capability to serve the decision making for national strategy, and increase its reputation and influences in the field of human geography research in the world.
来源 地理学报 ,2017,72(11):1952-1973 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201711004
关键词 北京大学 ; 人文地理学 ; 城市与区域规划 ; 历史地理 ; 创新与展望

北京大学城市与环境学院, 北京, 100871

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金国家杰出青年科学基金 ;  国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6109960

参考文献 共 120 共6页

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CSCD被引 2


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