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Research Status and Existing Problems of Silicate Liquid Immiscibility in Intermediate—Basic Magma


文摘 不混溶作用作为岩浆演化的一种重要方式,已经被广泛报道存在于月球、地球岩石样品的形成过程中。在岩浆不混溶作用过程中,单一成分的熔体会分解成成分截然不同的富Fe、富Si两种熔体。这两种熔体具有共轭但相反的成分演化路径,可以为很多重要的成岩成矿问题提供较好的解释。然而,不混溶作用自从现代岩石学初期被提出起,其岩石学意义就一直广受争论。早期争论的焦点是自然岩浆是否可以发生不混溶作用,而近些年来,争论的焦点已转移至自然岩浆是否可以发生高温(>1100℃)不混溶作用。此外,关于水对不混溶作用的影响以及不混溶熔体的相分离过程等方面也存有争议。但总体来说,现有的研究已经比较清楚地阐明了不混溶作用触发及演化的机理。本文回顾了不混溶作用的研究历史,介绍了影响不混溶作用的因素、不混溶作用的起始温度、不混溶熔体的成分及演化、不混溶熔体的发育及分离几方面的研究进展。另外,从不混溶作用在解释Bowen—Fenner之争、Daly间断、大洋斜长花岗岩的成因、斜长岩体型Fe—Ti—P矿床以及层状岩体中大型钒钛磁铁矿床的成因等几个重大科学问题中可能扮演的角色的角度,探讨了不混溶作用的岩石学、矿床学意义。最后,本文对不混溶作用研究中存在的问题进行了总结,认为对不混溶作用发生的物理化学条件、不混溶过程中的同位素分馏以及不混溶相分离的动力学过程等方面的研究存在不足,需要今后的工作去揭示并深入探讨。
其他语种文摘 As an important way of magma evolution, silicate liquid immiscibility has been widely reported in the forming process of lunar and terrestrial samples. During the process of silicate liquid immiscibility, a single-component melt split into Fe-rich and Si-rich two melts with distinct compositions. The contrary evolution paths of the conjugate immiscible melts may provide good explanations for many key issues on petrology and metallogeny. However,the petrological significance of silicate liquid immiscibility has been debated all the time since its being put forward at the early stage of modern petrology. In the early days, the central point of argument on immiscibility is whether silicate liquid immiscibility exists in the natural magma. In recent years, high-temperature (> 1100℃) silicate liquid immiscibility has been the bone of contention. In addition, some issues including the water's effect on liquid immiscibility, phase separation of immiscible melts are also controversial. But now available researches can explain, in large extent, the mechanisms of the onset and evolution of silicate liquid immiscibility. In this paper, we review the history of silicate liquid immiscibility, and introduce the research progresses on several aspects including affecting factors on immisciblity, the starting temperature of immiscibility, compositions and evolution of immiscible melts, generation and mutual separation of immiscible melts. We discuss the significance of silicate liquid immiscibility on petrology and metallogeny from the perspectives of surveying the roles that silicate liquid immiscibility may play in some important scientific issues such as Bowen—Fenner controversy,Daly gap,the genesis of oceanic plagiogranite,Fe—Ti—P ore deposit in massif-type anorthosite and giant Fe—Ti—V oxide deposit in layered intrusion. At last, we conclude the existing problems on silicate liquid immiscibility and think that further in-depth work are needed in the aspects such as the conditions for the onset of immiscibility, isotope fractionation in unmixing process and dynamic process of phase separation between immiscible melts.
来源 地质论评 ,2017,63(3):739-757 【核心库】
DOI 10.16509/j.georeview.2017.03.014
关键词 岩浆演化 ; 液—液不混溶 ; 分离结晶 ; 岩石学 ; 矿床学

中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 中国科学院矿物学与成矿学重点实验室, 广州, 510640

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 0371-5736
学科 地质学
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 ;  中国科学院战略性先导科技专项
文献收藏号 CSCD:6001543

参考文献 共 170 共9页

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