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Development and practice of Chinese Geographical and Resource Journals cluster service platform


文摘 学术期刊的集群发展已经成为国际趋势,国外出版集团稳居科技期刊的霸主地位,中国科技期刊的集群化发展还处于起步阶段。自2006年起,中国地理与资源期刊及其期刊人经过10年持续不断的努力,积极应对国内外期刊发展的机遇与挑战,勇于创新,已经基本形成中国地理与资源期刊集群化服务平台发展的战略构想,并成功地推出了拥有54家加盟期刊并且模块功能完备的集群化服务平台网站(www.geores.com.cn)、统一的在线采编系统、底层数据的结构化、富媒体出版、手机APP与微信服务公众号、数据出版、科研云助手系统、媒体宣传与推广、中国地理与资源权威专家库、中国地理会议服务系统、中国地理编辑出版年会、不定期的专题性期刊沙龙、《中国地理与资源国情快报》政策版与科普版、“具影响力中国地理期刊优秀论文”等14项具有显示度的期刊多元增值产品,事业思路清晰,行动果敢有力,工作扎实有序,集群功能完备,投入产出比高,极大地推动了中国地理与资源期刊由传统纸质出版向富媒体出版、由文献生产者向学科与社会集成型知识服务提供平台的两大根本性转型,这使得中国地理与资源期刊更加掌握了主动,把握了先机,开启了中国地理与资源期刊集群发展的新局面和新时代。
其他语种文摘 The cluster development of academic journals has become an international trend. Foreign publishing groups have long retained the dominant position in sci- tech periodicals, while the cluster development of Chinese sci-tech periodicals is still at the initial stage. After the continuous efforts of nearly a decade to actively and creatively respond to the development opportunities and challenges of foreign and domestic journals, since 2006, Chinese geographical and recourse journals and their staff have basically completed the strategic development planning of Chinese geographical and resource journals cluster service platform and successfully launched 14 outstanding multiple value- added journal products include a cluster service platform site (www.geores.com.cn) with 54 joined journal and comprehensive module functions, a unified online editing system, the structurization of underlying data, rich media publishing, mobile phone APP and the WeChat service public number, data publishing, scientific cloud assistant system, media publicity and promotion, authoritative expert database of geography and resources in China, Chinese geographical conference service system, Chinese Geographical Editing and Publishing Annual Conference, the occasional thematic journal salon, China Geographical and Resources State Express policy and popular science edition, excellent papers of influential Chinese geographical journals etc. With clear business ideas, bold action, solid and orderly work, complete cluster function and high input-output ratio, the realization of two fundamental transformations have been promoted greatly, which is the Chinese Geographical and Resources Journals publishing from the traditional paper to the rich media, and from the literature producer to the academic and social integrated knowledge service platform, thus the Chinese Geographical and Resources Journals have further taken the initiative, grasped the opportunities, and opened a new situation and a new era of the cluster development.
来源 地理学报 ,2017,72(5):918-941 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201705012
关键词 地理与资源期刊 ; 期刊集群化 ; 集成服务平台 ; 中国

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  中国科协精品科技期刊工程项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5989336

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