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Rural restructuring: Theory, approach and research prospect


文摘 快速城镇化进程驱动中国乡村地域发生巨大变化。乡村重构,即为适应乡村内部要素和外部调控的变化,通过优化配置和有效管理影响乡村发展的物质和非物质要素,重构乡村社会经济形态和优化地域空间格局,以实现乡村地域系统内部结构优化、功能提升以及城乡地域系统之间结构协调、功能互补的过程。本文在界定乡村重构的概念内涵,构建基于“要素—结构—功能”演变助推乡村重构的理论框架基础上,从空间重构、经济重构、社会重构视角探讨了乡村重构的实现路径,并着眼于服务当前国家重大战略需求和解决城乡转型发展进程中乡村地域系统面临的现实困境,提出了未来中国乡村重构研究需重点关注的内容。最后,就现有旨在促进乡村社会经济发展的重大引导性战略和政府干预性政策及其在实践操作中引发的一系列问题,展开批判性分析和讨论。
其他语种文摘 For the sake of adapting to the changes of elements in both kernel system and external system of rural development, rural restructuring is a process of optimally allocating and efficiently managing the material and non-material elements affecting rural development, reshaping social and economic structures in rural areas and optimizing spatial pattern in rural territory, and approaching the structure optimization and function promotion of rural territorial system as well as the structure coordination and function complementation of urban- rural territorial system. Based on elaborating the concept and connotations of rural restructuring and the mechanism of promoting rural restructuring due to the evolution of "elements- structurefunction", the paper probed the approaches of rural restructuring from the aspects of spatial restructuring, economic restructuring and social restructuring. In order to meet the current national strategic demands and meet the challenges of rural development in the process of urban- rural development transformation, it is in great urgency to strengthen the study on the patterns and processes, dynamic mechanism, differentiated development models, rural planning technology systems, strategies and policies for rural development, and the impacts of globalization on China's rural restructuring in the future. Finally, focusing on a series of problems in the implementation of some important government intervention policies, which is aimed at boosting the social and economic development of rural areas in recent years, a critical analysis and discussion is carried out.
来源 地理学报 ,2017,72(4):563-576 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201704001
关键词 乡村重构 ; 乡村发展转型 ; 乡村地域系统 ; 要素—结构—功能 ; 空间重构 ; 经济重构 ; 社会重构 ; 乡村地理学

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5964012

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