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A literature review on optimization of spatial development pattern based on ecological-production-living space


文摘 解决经济高速增长、社会快速转型中存在的国土开发秩序混乱和资源环境代价沉重等问题是人文—经济地理学在区域可持续发展领域的重大科学命题。党的十八大报告将优化国土空间开发格局作为生态文明建设的首要举措,并提出“促进生产空间集约高效、生活空间宜居适度、生态空间山清水秀”,由此构成的“三生”空间成为构建空间规划体系、完善国土空间开发保护制度和各类尺度空间落实主体功能区规划的重要基础。本文围绕国土空间优化和区域可持续发展目标,对国内外“三生”空间相关文献进行系统梳理,紧紧围绕“三生”空间的数量配比和空间配置两个科学问题进行综述,按照精度深化和尺度细化的要求,集中在“三生”功能分类、空间识别、空间优化等内容,从而勾勒出三生空间研究的框架体系。今后应重视三生空间动态演化,促进各尺度适宜性评价的统一和整合,响应“多规合一”的实践需求,最终服务于国土空间格局优化。
其他语种文摘 In the process of rapid economic growth and social restructuring, solving the problems such as spatial development disorder and costly resources and environmental impact has been an important scientific proposition of regional sustainable development in the field of human-economic geography. In accordance with the report to the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, optimizing spatial development pattern nationally is placed as the primary measure of ecological progress, followed by the specific requirements stated as "the space for production is used intensively and efficiently, the living space is livable and proper in size, the ecological space is unspoiled and beautiful." Shaping the ecological- production- living space by following these requirements will become the foundation of the spatial planning system. Moreover, it also contributes to improving the protection system of spatial development and implementing major function oriented zoning at all scales. Revolving around the target of optimizing geographical space and regional sustainable development, this article systematically reviews existing literature on ecological-production-living space both in China and internationally, focusing on the quantitative proportion and spatial layout of ecological- productionliving space. Following the requirements of improving precision and increasing spatial resolution and with a focus on functional classification, spatial identification, and spatial development pattern optimization, this article finally put forward the research framework of ecological- production- living space. To promote the progress of theoretical research and practical applications on ecological-production-living space, the following measures can be implemented:(1)Establish an improved research framework and technical process through multidisciplinary partnerships.(2)Expand the scope of basic units of analysis.(3)Explore new methods for function identification and attach more importance to the dynamic evolution of ecological, production, and living spaces.(4)Promote the integration of suitability evaluation at different scales.(5)Meet the practical needs of multiple- planning integration and ultimately serve the national efforts of optimizing the spatial development pattern.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2017,36(3):378-391 【核心库】
DOI 10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.03.014
关键词 三生空间 ; 三生功能 ; 功能分类 ; 空间识别 ; 国土空间优化

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5957355

参考文献 共 61 共4页

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