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Design of temperature compensation for Hall sensor


国旗   傅鹏   蒋力  
文摘 霍尔传感器作为一种半导体器件,其灵敏度随着温度变化而产生漂移的特性,限制了其在高精度磁场测量场合的应用。传统的温度补偿方法虽然对温度变化的一次项进行了完全补偿,但是却引入了温度变化二次项的误差。因此,对于温度变化显著的高精度测量场合,传统温度补偿法将不再适用。设计了一种闭环反馈电路,通过温度传感器采集温度信号,与信号处理电路的最终输出信号进行运算后送回信号处理电路的输入端进行补偿,而并不是简单地将温度信号与霍尔信号的输入信号进行相加后送入信号处理电路。仿真分析结果表明,通过调节补偿电路的反馈比例系数与霍尔芯片温度漂移系数,可以完全补偿霍尔芯片的灵敏度漂移。因此,这种闭环补偿方法可以不引入与温度变化二次项有关的误差,消除因温度变化产生的漂移,不仅适用于霍尔传感器,也适用于其他会随着温度漂移的传感器。
其他语种文摘 Hall sensor's sensitivity drift as temperature vibrates limits its applications in magnetic measurement field. Common temperature compensation techniques mainly offset drift caused by first order temperature variation and simultaneously neglect error caused by second order temperature variation. In this paper, a circuit design is proposed adopting temperature transducer output signal to offset temperature drift through closed-loop feedback. Temperature transducer output signal multiplied by final output signal from signal processing circuit is sent to input port of signal processing circuit. This is distinguished from universal method of adding temperature transducer output signal with input signal of Hall element and then sending it to input port of signal processing circuit .Theoretical analysis and simulation certify that error caused by temperature drift can be eliminated entirely through equalizing feedback factor K to thermal drift factor α of Hall element. Therefore, by thermal drift compensation method of closed-loop feedback, first order and second order temperature variations can be compensated through adjusting feedback coefficient. And this method can be applied to other transducers concerning thermal drift.
来源 强激光与粒子束 ,2017,29(4):046003-1-046003-4 【核心库】
DOI 10.11884/HPLPB201729.160466
关键词 霍尔传感器 ; 温度漂移 ; 磁场测量 ; 闭环反馈

中国科学院等离子体物理研究所, 合肥, 230031

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1001-4322
学科 电工技术
基金 科技部国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)计划专项
文献收藏号 CSCD:5949304

参考文献 共 10 共1页

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