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Toluene absorption performance and influence factors for soluble ionic liquids


张乐   肖潇   晏波 *   肖贤明  
文摘 选择3种水溶性离子液体(十二烷基咪唑氯盐(DDMIM Cl)、十二烷基咪唑硝酸盐(DDMIM NO_3)、十二烷基咪唑双氰胺盐(DDMIM DCA))作为研究对象,对模拟甲苯废气进行吸收实验,研究了吸收液的吸收性能、甲苯浓度、吸收液浓度、进气气速以及盐度等因素对吸收效果的影响以及加热蒸馏法对吸收液的再生与甲苯回收的可行性。结果表明:不同的离子液体对甲苯的吸收率不同,DDMIM DCA的吸收效果最好,在质量分数为5%时,初始吸收率达到98%,饱和吸收量为53.39 mg·L~(-1),而DDMIM Cl、DDMIM NO_3对甲苯的初始吸收率在92%左右,饱和吸收量分别为33.60、37.01 mg·L~(-1);甲苯饱和吸收量与吸收液浓度、甲苯进气浓度呈正相关,与进气气速、含盐度呈负相关;传质系数与甲苯进气浓度、进气气速以及含盐度呈正相关,与吸收液浓度呈负相关;采用加热蒸馏法进行甲苯回收及吸收液再利用时,甲苯的回收效率达到85%~90%,且甲苯的饱和吸收量随着重复利用次数的增加而基本保持不变。因此利用离子液体溶液处理甲苯废气理论上是可行的。
其他语种文摘 A series of absorption experiments was conducted to analyze the gaseous toluene absorption capacity of three water-soluble absorbents: 1-dodecyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (DDMIM Cl),DDMIM nitrate (DDMIM NO_3),and DDMIM dicyanamide (DDMIM DCA). The influence of such factors as the toluene concentration,absorbent content,gas flow rate,and mineral salt presence on the performances of these absorbents was assessed. The heating distillation method was used to investigate the possibility of toluene recovery and reuse of the absorbent solution. The experimental results showed that each ionic liquid has a different toluene absorption efficiency. At a toluene concentration of 5%,DDMIM DCA outperformed the other absorbents,with an initial absorption rate of 98% and a saturated absorption capacity of 53.39 mg·L~(-1). In comparison,DDMIM Cl and DDMIM NO_3 had initial toluene absorption rates of approximately 92% and saturated absorption capacities of 33.60 and 37.01 mg·L~(-1),respectively. The saturated absorption capacity was positively correlated with the absorbent concentration and toluene concentration of the inlet gas but negatively correlated with the inlet gas flow rate and mineral salt content. The mass transfer coefficient was positively correlated with the toluene concentration,inlet gas flow rate,and mineral salt content,but negatively correlated with the absorbent concentration. The recovery efficiency of toluene from the absorbent solution using the heating distillation method reached from 85% to 90%,and the saturated absorption capacity remained fairly consistent during regeneration. In conclusion,ionic liquids show potential for recovering toluene from waste gas.
来源 环境工程学报 ,2017,11(3):1683-1690 【核心库】
DOI 10.12030/j.cjee.201511034
关键词 离子液体 ; 甲苯废气 ; 蒸馏 ; 再生 ; 回收

中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 有机地球化学国家重点实验室;;广东省环境资源利用与保护重点实验室, 广州, 510640

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1673-9108
学科 行业污染、废物处理与综合利用
基金 广东省省级环保专项资金项目 ;  广东省科技计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5931464

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