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Effects of Gradient Interlayers on Wear Resistance of Diamond-like Coatings on Cemented Carbide


赵佳群 1   李刘合 1 *   景凯 1   许亿 1   刘红涛 1   李光 2  
文摘 目的分析不同类型的梯度过渡层对硬质合金沉积类金刚石涂层耐磨性能的影响,制备出能有效改善硬质合金减摩抗磨性能的类金刚石涂层。方法采用真空阴极电弧离子镀和等离子体增强化学沉积技术,在硬质合金基底上制备了Ti/TiC/DLC、Ti/TiN/DLC、Ti/TiN/TiNC/DLC和Ti/TiN/TiNC/TiC/DLC四种类型的Ti多元梯度过渡类金刚石涂层。通过GNEHM-150型洛氏硬度计和电子显微镜、MFT-4000多功能材料表面性能试验仪、纳米硬度测试仪,分别评价不同类型多元梯度过渡层对硬质合金类金刚石涂层的膜基结合强度、摩擦磨损性能及纳米硬度。结果Ti/TiC/DLC、Ti/TiN/DLC、Ti/TiN/TiNC/DLC和Ti/TiN/TiNC/TiC/DLC四种类型涂层的膜基结合强度等级分别为HF3-HF4、HF5-HF6、HF1-HF2、HF1,对两种膜基结合强度较好的涂层(Ti/TiN/TiNC/DLC、Ti/TiN/TiNC/TiC/DLC)进行摩擦磨损检测,其摩擦系数分别为0.2、0.1,且经过60 min对摩,Ti/TiN/TiNC/TiC/DLC涂层仍未出现明显剥落。结论梯度过渡层的类型对薄膜的膜基结合强度、摩擦性能有较明显的影响, Ti/TiN/TiNC/TiC/DLC结构的涂层膜基结合强度最好,具有最低的摩擦系数,表现出了优异的减摩抗磨性能,可有效改善硬质合金表面的耐磨性能。
其他语种文摘 The work aims to analyze the effects of different gradient interlayers on wear resistance of diamond-like coatings (DLC) on cemented carbide and prepare DLC which can improve the wear resistance of cemented carbide significantly. Ti/TiC/DLC, Ti/TiN/DLC, Ti/TiN/TiNC/DLC and Ti/TiN/TiNC/TiC/DLC Ti multielement transitional diamond-like coatings were prepared on cemented carbides by combination of vacuum cathodic arc ion plating and plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). Bonding strength, tribological property and nano-hardness of different interlayers to diamond-like coatings on cemented carbide were evaluated by GNEHM-150 Rockwell hardness tester, optical microscope (OM), MFT-4000 multi- function tester for material surface and nano hardness tester. The film-substrate bonding strength grade of Ti/TiC/DLC, Ti/TiN/DLC, Ti/TiN/TiNC/DLC and Ti/TiN/TiNC/TiC/DLC was HF3-HF4, HF5-HF6, HF1-HF2 and HF1 respectively; friction coefficient was 0.2 and 0.1 respectively in the frictional wear test performed to two coatings of excellent film-substrate bonding strength (Ti/TiN/TiNC/DLC, Ti/TiN/TiNC/TiC/DLC). Meanwhile, Ti/TiN/TiNC/TiC/DLC coatings were free from obvious peeling after the 60 min rubbing. Type of the gradient interlayer has significant effects on bonding strength and tribological property of DLC, Ti/TiN/TiNC/TiC/DLC coating has the best bonding strength and lowest friction coefficient, showing excellent tribological property and effectively improving the wear resistance of cemented carbide.
来源 表面技术 ,2017,46(1):82-87 【核心库】
DOI 10.16490/j.cnki.issn.1001-3660.2017.01.014
关键词 类金刚石涂层 ; 梯度过渡层 ; 硬质合金 ; 耐磨性 ; 真空阴极电弧 ; PECVD

1. 北京航空航天大学, 北京, 100191  

2. 中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100191

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1001-3660
学科 机械、仪表工业
基金 中航工业通飞科技发展研究项目 ;  国家重大科技专项 ;  国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5915296

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