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The response of lake records to the circulation system and climate zones in China since the Last Glacial Maximum


李育   刘媛  
文摘 为了探讨中国长时间尺度湖泊时空演变规律和潜在的驱动机制,本文在柯本气候分区和中国季风—非季风区的划分基础上,对中国34个有明确数据的典型湖泊运行CCSM 3.0气候模拟系统和水量能量平衡模型模拟其水位变化,同时利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料对中国按水汽输送划分的季风区进行验证。结果表明,末次盛冰期以来中国湖泊演化主要受千年尺度大气环流的驱动影响,在各个柯本气候区内没有明显的规律性。末次盛冰期以来,在季风区中国湖泊演化主要有早中全新世湖泊水位相对较高以及末次盛冰期和早全新世湖泊水位均较高2种演变规律;在东亚干旱区主要有中晚全新世期间湖泊水位相对较高以及末次盛冰期和中全新世湖泊水位均较高2种演变规律。本文为中国过去气候变化及湖泊演化机制研究提供新的证据,同时为人类全面认识末次盛冰期以来湖泊水位变化提供了新的视角。
其他语种文摘 In order to investigate the spatial- temporal evolution pattern and potential driving mechanism of lakes on a long time- scale, based on the Koppen climate classification, we classify Chinese climate as 4 climate zones, 6 climatic types and select 34 lakes which have reliable dating, and its lake records have certain continuity since the Last Glacial Maximum. At the same time, NCEP/NCAR 0.5°×0.5° 1900-2015 grid data are used to verify our traditional monsoon region which is defined based on water vapor transportation field. Meanwhile, this study uses a series of models, i.e., the NCAR CCSM 3, a lake energy-balance and a lake waterbalance model, to examine the lake-level evolution process and potential driving mechanism in monsoonal Asia and arid central Asia since the Last Glacial Maximum. Our results indicate that the evolution of lakes in China is mainly affected by millennial-scale atmospheric circulation, and lake-level changes in all climate zones have no obvious regularity. In the monsoon region, there are two kinds of evolvement rules, a relatively high lake- level in the early and mid- Holocene and a relatively high lake- level in the Last Glacial Maximum and early Holocene. Meanwhile, in the arid region of East Asia controlled by westerlies, there are also two kinds of evolvement rules. One is that the lake- level in mid- and late Holocene is relatively high, and the other is that the lake- level is relatively high in mid- Holocene and the Last Glacial Maximum. This study provides a large amount of new evidence, which reflects the past climate change and mechanism of lake evolvement, as well as a new perspective to comprehensively understand lake-level changes since the Last Glacial Maximum.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(11):1898-1910 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201611003
关键词 湖泊 ; 末次盛冰期 ; 全新世 ; 环流系统 ; 气候区

兰州大学资源环境学院兰州大学干旱区水循环与水资源研究中心, 西部教育部重点实验室, 兰州, 730000

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 地质学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5858860

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2. 江苏省十大湖泊水文要素变化数据集(2003-2019)

3. 青藏高原日尺度湖面温度数据集(1978~2017)


1. 湛江湖光岩玛珥湖全新世粒度变化数据集

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3. 色林错流域湖泊分布时间序列数据集(2003-2013)

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