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Impacts of moving catenary mooring-lines on the dynamic response of floating wind turbine


文摘 建立了海上浮式风力机包括弹性叶片、塔架以及SPAR浮体和悬链线式系泊线的整体系统动力模型,并基于改进的三维动态悬链线理论和有限元进行了5MW大型风力机的动响应数值模拟和分析;与以往的准静态方法和简化模型不同,本文考虑了系泊系统的动态特性(例如惯性力和阻尼力)、以及大尺寸柔性部件叶片、塔架等的弹性动力,分析了在波浪载荷下的风力机系统动响应.给出了悬链线式系泊线上的惯性载荷与黏性水动阻力等动态效应对系泊张力及其运动特性的影响,通过与仅考虑静态回复力的准静态法结果对比,分析了系泊系统动态特性对风力机结构响应的影响.我们的数值结果表明:考虑系泊线的动态特性,其动张力会明显增大,系泊线松弛-张紧的冲击张力幅值差可达到准静态值的10倍以上.当波浪频率远高于系统频率时,系泊系统的动态效应会加速结构瞬态项的衰减,而波浪频率与系统频率接近时,系泊系统的动态特性能明显降低浮体的响应位移,幅值降低约20%.
其他语种文摘 The dynamic response of a floating wind turbine with 5-megawatt power and large size undergoing different ocean waves is examined by the numerical simulations based on a modified approach which combines the 3D flexible catenary theory with the finite element method. By use of our modified approach, the additional mooring dynamic behaviors including the structural inertial effect and fluid drag, compared to the previous quasi-static model, are involved in this study; what’s more, the integrated system of which the dynamic interaction between the flexible components such as blades, tower, SPAR platform and catenary mooring system is considered too. The influences of catenary mooring-line inertia and fluid damping force on tension and motion characteristics of catenary mooring system are presented, and the impact of mooring-line dynamics on the integrated system of wind turbine response is studied and compared with the quasi-static method which only includes the static restoring force of the catenary. Our numerical results show that the dynamic characteristics of mooring-line may significantly increase the top tension, particularly, the peak-trough tension difference of snap tension may be more than 10 times larger than the quasi-static result owing to the occurrence of taut-slack during the dynamic response on certain situations. When the wave frequency is much higher than the system, the dynamic effects of the mooring system will accelerate the decay of transient items of the dynamic response; when the wave frequency and the system frequency are close to each other, the dynamic characteristics of mooring systems can significantly reduce the response displacement of the floating SPAR, i.e. the amplitude is reduced by 20%.
来源 中国科学. 物理学 , 力学, 天文学,2016,46(12):124711-1-124711-11 【核心库】
DOI 10.1360/SSPMA2016-00277
关键词 动响应 ; 浮式风力机 ; 系泊悬链线 ; 动张力

中国科学院力学研究所, 中国科学院流固耦合系统力学重点实验室, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1674-7275
学科 能源与动力工程
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5857921

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引证文献 1

1 刘洪德 基于应变修正的二维缆索动力学建模改进 中国科学. 物理学, 力学, 天文学,2022,52(12):124511
CSCD被引 0 次


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