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Research progress of the nicotine metabolism related genes in humans


王红娟 1   陈欢 1   侯宏卫 1 *   刘勇 2   王安 2   胡清源 1 *  
文摘 烟碱是烟草制品中主要的成瘾性物质。人体中烟碱药代动力学表现出极大的个体和种族差异,主要归因于烟碱代谢相关基因的多态性。揭示这种多态性对阐明个体对烟碱的耐受性、烟碱或吸烟相关疾病的易感性及烟碱或吸烟相关症状临床表现的多样性具有重要意义。人体中烟碱经多种代谢途径进行广泛地代谢,包括以CYP2A6为代表的碳氧化代谢途径,以及氮氧化、醛氧化和葡萄糖苷酸化作用等代谢途径。现对各烟碱代谢酶的基本性质、基因多态性、烟碱代谢活性及其诱导调控的可能机制进行综述。
其他语种文摘 Nicotine is an important addictive substance in tobacco products. In humans, nicotine pharmacokinetics showed great interindividual and interethnic differences, mainly due to genetic polymorphism of nicotine metabolism related genes. Revealling this polymorphism is significant for clarifying individual tolerance to nicotine, susceptibility to nicotine or smoking related diseases, the diversity of clinical manifestations of nicotine or smoking related symptoms. In human nicotine is extensively metabolized via multiple pathways that are catalyzed by genetically variable enzymes, including the carbon oxidative metabolism pathway represented by CYP2A6, as well as other metabolic pathways of nitrogen oxidation, aldehyde oxidation and glucuronidation. In this paper, the basic properties of various enzymes involved in nicotine metabolism, gene polymorphism, the possible mechanism of nicotine metabolism activity and its regulation mechanism were reviewed.
来源 生命科学 ,2016,28(11):1360-1369 【扩展库】
DOI 10.13376/j.cbls/2016175
关键词 烟碱 ; 代谢酶 ; 基因多态性 ; 诱导调控

1. 国家烟草质量监督检验中心, 郑州, 450001  

2. 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院, 合肥, 230031

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1004-0374
学科 分子生物学;药学
基金 国家局重点项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5856438

参考文献 共 105 共6页

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