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Reconstruction of the historical crop land data in China using the partition and layering-based gridded method


魏希文 1   缪丽娟 2   江源 1   Nath Reshmita 3   崔雪锋 4 *  
文摘 网格化历史耕地数据集能为历史时期耕地变化研究提供更精确的支持,并且为全球环境气候变化研究模型模拟提供驱动数据。本文综合考虑了中国历代土地利用开发的特点及自然人文因子对耕地的影响,设计了一套对中国耕地先分区再分层分配的网格化方法。基于国内3个主流区域耕地数据研究成果,采用上述方法建立了1820年(清仁宗嘉庆二十五年)和1936年(民国二十五年)中国10 kmx10 km分辨率的耕地数据集,并绘制了分布图。本文还利用国内具有代表性的区域数据集对重建结果进行对比验证。结果表明,该方法可以保证耕地数量的权威性,并且建立具有区域性的高精度历史耕地数据集。
其他语种文摘 Reconstruction of the historical cropland database could provide an accurate support for the cropland researches on historical periods. Moreover, it will also act as the driving data for the global climate models. In China, there are several ways to rebuild the historical cropland on the regional scale, concerning the traditional cultivation area and the northeastern China. But there are few studies on the national scale, which is primarily due to lacking of accurate historical cropland inventory data. Therefore, it is necessary to simulate the climate and ecosystem scenarios in a wider spatial scale. In the next step, an improvement in the research on reconstruction of the historical cropland database is an efficient and quick method to meet the demand. The present paper has adopted a different approach, which divides the entire landmass of China into cropland area and livestock area according to the climate conditions and cultural diversities of the country. Several representative historical cropland databases are used as the background of our study to ensure the authenticity of the outcomes. Considering the historical land use exploitation, and the impact of the natural and anthropogenic factors on the cropland dynamics, we have developed a partition and layering-based gridded reconstruction method. This is an empirical method for spatial allocation of the historical cropland inventory data in the individual grid cells. Then we use this method to rebuild the historical cropland database maps for China during 1820 (the 25th year in the reign of Emperor Renzong Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty) and 1936 (the 25th year of the Republic of China), at a resolution of 10 kmx10 km. A precision validation is applied on the rebuilt maps by comparing them with other existing regional databases. The results show that this method could ensure the authenticity of the cropland data, with higher accuracy in the regional cropland reconstruction.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(7):1144-1156 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201607005
关键词 中国 ; 历史耕地 ; 分区分层 ; 网格化重建

1. 北京师范大学资源学院, 北京, 100875  

2. 南京信息工程大学地理与遥感学院, 南京, 210044  

3. 中国科学院大气物理研究所季风系统研究中心, 北京, 100029  

4. 北京师范大学系统科学学院, 北京, 100875

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  国家973计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:5756315

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