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Experimental Facility for Ignition and Burning of Solid Materials aboard SJ-10 Satellite


尹永利 1   王双峰 2   刘仁豪 1   杨京松 1   朱凤 2   田柳 1  
文摘 为对微重力条件下固体材料着火和火焰传播特性进行研究,研制了实践十号(SJ-10)卫星固体材料燃烧实验装置.利用空间高真空条件,采用实验段内气体环境更新和控制技术,实现了在有限实验空间内对多个实验样品进行研究,并提供准确可控的实验环境条件(氧气浓度和气流速度).通过地面试验验证,该装置可通过实验样品、氧气浓度、气流速度、点火方式等实验参数的灵活组合,实现空间实验机会的充分利用和预定科学目标.
其他语种文摘 Ignition of solid fuels and subsequent transition to flame spread is of fundamental interest and practical importance for fire safety. Motivated primarily by fire safety of spacecraft, a renewed interest in microgravity flame spread over solid materials has arisen. With few exceptions, however, research on microgravity flame spread has been focused on thermally thin fuels due to the constraint on available test time. Till now still little is known about flame spread over thick fuels in microgravity. A facility is described, which has been designed to examine the ignition and burning behaviors of thick solids onboard SJ-10 satellite of China. The combustion experiments will be conducted with varying low velocity flow and varying ambient oxygen concentration. Other variables to be tested are the effects of fuel type and geometry. The important observations from space experiments include flame behavior and appearance as a function of oxygen concentration and flow velocity, temperature variation in gas and solid phases, and flame spread rate. The research will focus on: (i) finding a limiting oxygen concentration or flow velocity where a flame will propagate in microgravity, and comparing the limits with those on Earth, (ii) evaluating effects of flow velocity, oxygen percentage and material shape on flame spread modes, and (iii) improving the prediction model of solid material combustion.
来源 空间科学学报 ,2016,36(4):492-496 【核心库】
DOI 10.11728/cjss2016.04.492
关键词 微重力实验 ; 燃烧 ; 固体材料 ; SJ-10卫星

1. 中国航天员科研训练中心, 北京, 100094  

2. 中国科学院力学研究所, 中国科学院微重力重点实验室, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0254-6124
学科 航天(宇宙航行)
基金 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项
文献收藏号 CSCD:5752241

参考文献 共 12 共1页

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引证文献 1

1 朱凤 微重力环境中热厚材料着火特性研究 工程热物理学报,2018,39(1):213-217
CSCD被引 1


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