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Spatial evolution progress of tourism destination based on theory of complex adaptive system: A case of southern Anhui


杨仲元 1   徐建刚 2 *   林蔚 1  
文摘 根据复杂适应系统理论,旅游地由主体系统、旅游吸引物系统、旅游服务设施系统和外部环境系统四个部分组成,通过多个适应性主体相互作用而形成的复杂适应系统。论文选择皖南旅游区为案例地,探讨了其空间演化过程。结果显示:① 1979-1990年是空间聚集体形成阶段,以黄山和九华山为核心的旅游吸引物逐步得到开发利用并形成规模“聚集”,旅游空间结构开始呈现集聚发展特征。② 1991-2000年为空间聚集体增长时期,黄山景区和九华山景区进一步发展,旅游设施进一步完善,同时西递、宏村景区的快速发展推动新的空间聚集体形成,空间聚集体的规模和数量同时增长。③ 2001年以来,皖南进入空间集聚体涌现阶段,主体之间的非线性相互作用加强,多种新兴发展要素涌现;新兴发展要素和传统发展要素共同催生了文化旅游、度假旅游和乡村旅游等新的旅游产品,推动皖南旅游区空间演化发展。未来,旅游需求的多元化将推动皖南旅游资源的多样化、全域化的利用,文化性、生态性、乡村性的观光和休闲度假旅游将成为皖南旅游发展主流方向;高速铁路、高速公路等快速交通网的建设将加强皖南与长三角地区的联系,皖南将以全域旅游方式,整体融入长三角区域旅游发展之中,成为长三角旅游区重要的组成部分。
其他语种文摘 According to the complex adaptive system theory, the tourism destination can be regarded as a complex adaptive system which is composed of multiple adaptive agent interactions based on the complex adaptive system theory, and it consists of agent system, tourist attraction subsystem, tourist service facility subsystem and external environment system. This article, taking southern Anhui as a test case, discusses the spatial evolution. Some conclusions can be drawn as follows. (1) The period 1979-1990 was a formation stage of spatial aggregation, during which the tourist attraction was gradually exploited and aggregated. Additionally, the scenic area of Mounts Huangshan and Jiuhuashan became the core attraction, and the agglomeration around the area began to appear. (2) The period 1991-2000 was a growth stage of spatial aggregation, during which the scenic area of Mounts Huangshan and Jiuhuashan expanded and the tourism facility improved, so the spatial aggregation began to grow. At the same time, the scenic area of Xidi and Hongcun developed quickly, thus a new spatial aggregation emerged. (3) Since 2001, we have entered a blowout-development stage of spatial agglomeration. As the adaptive agent of system, government, enterprise, resident, nongovernmental organizations and tourists, they achieved nonlinear interactions with the environment system and each other, which formed new tourist elements of the diversification of tourist demand, diverse tourist attraction and rapid development of expressway and others. The combination of new elements and traditional elements gave birth to diverse tourist product, such as cultural tourism, holiday tourism, rural tourism. It improves spatial evolution of the area of southern Anhui. In the future, the diversification of tourism demand will promote the diversification and global use of tourism resource. The main development will be focused on leisure vacation travel with culture, ecology, rural characteristics. Meanwhile, the construction of high-speed transport network, including railway and highway, will strengthen the communication between southern Anhui and the Yangtze River Delta. As a result, the area of southern Anhui will be taken into the tourism development of the Yangtze River Delta region, and also become an important part of the Yangtze River Delta by global tourism.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(6):1059-1074 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201606012
关键词 复杂适应系统理论 ; 演化模式 ; 旅游地空间结构 ; 空间聚集体 ; 皖南旅游区

1. 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院, 南京, 210023  

2. 南京大学建筑与城市规划学院, 南京, 210093

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5735607

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