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Relationship between industrial structure evolution and urban spatial form succession of the coal resource-based cities: A case study of Huainan City


焦华富 1   杨显明 2  
文摘 以安徽省淮南市为案例,借助国民经济发展统计数据和城市土地利用现状图等资料,以 ArcGIS空间分析、SPSS统计分析结果为基础,构建煤炭资源型城市产业结构与城市空间形态耦合评价模型,从两者的耦合协调度和空间响应指数两个方面测度了煤炭资源型城市产业结构演替与城市空间形态演化的耦合过程、特征。结果表明:①在煤炭资源型城市发展进程中,产业结构与城市空间形态之间存在明显的相互作用关系。②产业结构通过生产要素对城市空间形态演化起着推动作用,两者间的耦合协调性较强,耦合度介于0.5~0.65之间,呈上升趋势;协调度维持在0.99以上,处于中度耦合良好协调状态。③城市空间对产业结构的响应度经历了增高、降低、再次升高的变化过程,表现为前期和后期高、中期低的“U”型特征。本文还从不同生命周期阶段、不同产业结构生产要素的空间效应和环境效应入手,分析了煤炭资源型城市产业结构演替与城市空间形态演化耦合机理,认为煤炭资源型城市空间形态演化是产业结构演替过程中生产要素通过空间效应作用实现的自我修复结果。
其他语种文摘 Taking Huainan as an example, the paper, based on the statistical data about national economic development and the urban land-use chart, and with the aid of Arcgis software and SPSS software, builds the coupling evaluation models of the industrial structures and urban spacial forms of the coal resource-based cities from two aspects (coupling coordination degree and spatial responding index), and measures the coupling's process and features of the coal resource-based cities' industrial structure evolution and urban development. The results are as follows: (1) There exists a close interaction between industrial structure and urban spatial form in the developing process of the coal resource-based cities; (2) Industrial structure with essential productive factors play a motivational role in the evolution of urban spatial form. A highly mutual related coupling coordination degree can be found between industrial structure and evolution of urban spatial form. The coupling degrees are between 0.5 and 0.65, showing an increasing tendency, while the coordination degree maintains over 0.99, under a decent coordinating status of moderate coupling. (3) The urban spatial responding degree to industrial structure experiences three stages in the process -rising, descending and ascending -with the high value in the early and final stages and the low value in the middle stage, presenting a "U"-shaped curve. In addition, the study sheds light on the industrial structural evolution of coalbased cities as well as the urban spatial developing coupling mechanism from the perspectives of different life circle stages, distinct spatial and environmental effects of industrial structural productive factors. In our study, it is shown that the spatial development of coal resource-based cities is the result of the rehabilitation of essential productive factors through the spatial effects in the process of industrial structural development.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(6):998-1009 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201606008
关键词 产业结构 ; 空间形态 ; 耦合 ; 煤炭资源型城市 ; 淮南市

1. 安徽师范大学国土资源与旅游学院, 芜湖, 241003  

2. 西华师范大学国土资源学院, 南充, 637002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5735603

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