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Application of questionnaire survey method in human geography studies in China


文摘 问卷调查方法是人文地理学微观研究的重要工具,在以人为本的城市发展理念影响下开始得到广泛应用。本文运用文献计量方法分析问卷调查方法在中国人文地理学研究的应用概况,同时以2013年北京宜居城市问卷调查为案例,重点阐述问卷调查过程的抽样方案设计思想,最后对问卷调查方法的主要应用领域进行回顾总结,以期促进问卷调查方法在中国人文地理学研究的科学规范应用。研究发现:问卷调查方法在中国人文地理学研究的应用逐渐增强,研究内容不断拓展与深化,研究区域涵盖不同空间尺度、并以微观尺度为趋势,研究方法以数理统计、GIS空间分析等定量方法为主,但对问卷抽样设计阐述却不够科学规范;通过2013年北京宜居城市问卷调查案例分析,强调对问卷收集方法、抽样方式和抽样框选取、样本量确定等内容所构成的抽样方案设计过程重视,以加强问卷调查数据的科学采集;问卷调查方法在时空行为、人居环境、城市社会、旅游行为和农户行为等主题展开大量应用实践,在此基础上对问卷调查方法研究框架进行总结,并提出国内问卷调查方法应用的改进方向。
其他语种文摘 As an important tool for microscopic studies in human geography, questionnaire survey method has been widely used in developing people-oriented urban concepts. In order to support a scientific and standardized application of questionnaire survey method in human geography studies in China, this paper explored previous studies on the application of questionnaire survey method in human geography in China using the literature metrological method. Taking the survey of Beijing Livable City in 2013 as a case study, we illustrated the design framework and sampling strategy in the questionnaire survey procedure, and summarized some key application areas of questionnaire survey method subsequently. The results showed that: On the positive side, with the extension of human geography, questionnaire survey method tended to be a key approach to collecting data in a wide range of related research topics. However, most studies chose mathematical and statistical models or GIS spatial analysis as the principal method, while the scientific use of questionnaire survey method are often neglected, especially in the sampling design. We suggested that human geographers should pay more attention than before to the whole process of sampling scheme design, which is composed of questionnaire collection method, sampling method, sampling frame selection and the determination of sample size in order to obtain data efficiently. Lastly, questionnaire survey method was widely used in research areas including time and space behavior, living environment, urban society, tourist behavior and rural household behavior. Finally, based on the research framework of questionnaire survey method, we put forward five schemes to improve the application of questionnaire survey method in human geography studies.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(6):899-913 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201606001
关键词 问卷调查方法 ; 人文地理学 ; 文献计量 ; 宜居城市 ; 中国

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目 ;  国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5735596

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