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Geochemical Behavior of Rare-Earth Element During the Weathering of Granite under Different Climatic Conditions


文摘 本研究选择中国东部主要的花岗岩分布区中位于中温带、暖温带和热带的8个花岗岩风化壳作为研究对象,对比研究了不同气候环境下花岗岩风化过程中稀土元素(REE)的分布规律及其演化特征。结果表明,各气候带的花岗岩风化壳的REE分布具有一定的共性规律,风化产物的REE总量相对基岩都有不同程度的富集,且都表现出轻稀土(LREE)相对重稀土(HREE)富集以及一定程度的Eu负异常。由于REE的迁移和淋滤,导致其在风化壳内的再分配。通常REE在半风化层富集,pH值和粘土矿物含量等内因变化是导致这一现象的主要因素。对于少数表层REE富集的现象,如SD-DG、HN-3剖面,气候环境与地质条件等外因则是这一现象的主导因素。受海洋性气候影响显著的风化壳(QHD-1,HN-3),以基岩为标准,容易发生HREE富集的轻、重稀土分异的现象。大部分花岗岩风化壳中,Ce通常在剖面上部出现正异常,而在下部出现与之互补的Ce负异常。
其他语种文摘 To illuminate the distribution and evolution characters of Rare Earth Element (REE) during granite weathering process under different climate conditions, this work examined eight profiles located in the main distribution area of granite from mid-temperate zone to tropic zone in Eastern China. Results show that the total concentrations (10~(-6)) of REE (ΣREE) of the weathered products were generally higher than those of the bed rocks in all places, and heavy REE (HREE) enriched relative to the light REE (LREE) while negative Eu anomaly were found more or less in all samples. During granite weathering process, REE have redistributed in the weathering crust due to REE migrating and leaching. Within the weathering profiles, REE leached form the upper layers and usually accumulated at the semi-weathering layers which resulted from variations of internal factors, such as pH and clay mineral content. In a few cases, the enrichment of REE at the upper layers in some weathering profiles such as SD-DG and HN-3, was mainly due to some external factors, such as climate condition and geology background. By the standard of parent rocks, HREE enrichment and differentiation between LREE and HREE were easily found in the granite weathering profiles which are strongly influenced by oceanic climate, such as QHD-1 and HN-2. Within the most granite weathering profiles in the current study, Ce showed the positive anomaly at the upper layers but complementary negative anomaly at the lower layers.
来源 矿物学报 ,2016,36(1):125-137 【核心库】
DOI 10.16461/j.cnki.1000-4734.2016.01.020
关键词 花岗岩风化壳 ; 稀土元素 ; 分异 ; 气候

中国科学院地球化学研究所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-4734
学科 地质学
基金 国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目 ;  国家自然科学基金重点项目 ;  国家自然科学基金面上项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5716762

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1. 中国典型稀土矿床地球化学数据集(2017-2021)

2. 风化淋积过程中稀土元素的活化、迁移、富集机制数据集(2017-2021)

3. 贵州织金和瓮安磷矿化学成分数据集


1. 2018年全球稀土元素发生数据库 

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