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The Design of a Spectrum Scanning Observation System for the New Vacuum Solar Telescope


文摘 1 m新真空太阳望远镜(New Vacuum Solar Telescope,NVST)是国内用于对太阳进行观测和研究的大型科研设备,针对太阳活动区光谱观测的需求,在现有的大色散光谱仪及多波段光谱仪基础上,设计了光谱扫描设备,并基于C#设计了一套观测控制系统软件,实现扫描设备的运动控制和观测数据的采集。进行光谱扫描观测时,计算机控制扫描设备步进运动,并利用图像采集卡通过Camera Link总线采集CCD/CMOS相机的探测数据,基于多线程技术采集观测数据,将采集的图像数据存储成FITS(Flexible Image Transport System)文件,并将光谱图像数据处理成灰度图像用于软件界面监视。此套软件已用于1 m太阳望远镜光谱扫描观测,测试结果满足预期功能需求,为后续观测系统功能升级提供了良好的扩展性。
其他语种文摘 The New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST) is for solar observation use. It is equipped with high resolution imaging instruments and spectrometers combining with polarization analyzer. Two vertical grating spectrometers,placed in the hanging bracket below the rotating platform,aim to observe the sun spectrum finely. On the base of these instruments and equipment,this article designs a slit scanning equipment placed above the rotating platform,and based on the C# this paper develops a set of observation and control system software. For spectral scanning observation,computer controls scanning equipment's stepping movement; then image acquisition card acquires observation data through camera link bus. When the digital image data are obtained by multi-thread technology control,they will be stored in the FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) file and processed and outputted as grayscale images so as to be monitored in the software user interface. The experimental results show that this control system software is a feasible design for slit scanning observation; it provides considerable potentials for subsequent observation system upgrades.
来源 天文研究与技术 ,2016,13(2):257-265 【核心库】
关键词 1 m红外太阳望远镜 ; 狭缝扫描 ; 光谱观测 ; 图像采集 ; FITS

中国科学院云南天文台, 云南, 昆明, 650011

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1672-7673
学科 天文学;自动化技术、计算机技术
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5686181

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1 王正兰 基于波纹管的气压式力促动器设计与实测 天文研究与技术,2018,15(3):347-353
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