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Routh Method of Reduction for Dynamic Systems with Non-Standard Lagrangians


周小三 1   张毅 2 *  
文摘 研究基于指数Lagrange函数与Lagrange函数幂函数两种非标准Lagrange函数的动力学系统的循环积分与Routh降阶法.首先,给出了循环坐标的定义,并利用循环坐标与基于非标准Lagrange函数的系统的Lagrange方程,得到了循环积分的形式;其次,将Routh降阶法加以推广,建立了基于非标准Lagrange函数的动力学系统的Routh方程,并举例说明结果的应用.
其他语种文摘 The cyclic integral and Routh method of reduction for the dynamic system based on exponential Lagrangians and power law Lagrangians were studied. Firstly, the cyclic coordinate was defined, and the form of cyclic integral were obtained by using cyclic coordinates and Lagrange equations of the system with non-standard Lagrangians. Then, the Routh method of reduction was extended, the Routh equations for the dynamic system with non-standard Lagrangians were established. Two examples were given to illustrate the application of the results.
来源 力学季刊 ,2016,37(1):15-21 【扩展库】
DOI 10.15959/j.cnki.0254-0053.2016.01.002
关键词 非标准Lagrange函数 ; 循环积分 ; Routh降阶法

1. 苏州科技学院数理学院, 江苏, 苏州, 215009  

2. 苏州科技学院土木工程学院, 江苏, 苏州, 215011

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0254-0053
学科 力学
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5674390

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引证文献 3

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2 金世欣 Nabla导数下Hamilton系统的约化 力学季刊,2017,38(3):447-457
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