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Progress and prospect on farmland abandonment


文摘 20世纪后半叶以来许多发达国家发生明显的耕地撂荒现象,并逐渐演变为全球性土地利用现象,深刻地改变了广大农村地区土地景观。本文以“土地利用变化-驱动机制-环境效应-政策响应”的框架系统梳理耕地撂荒主要研究进展。研究表明:①全球耕地撂荒仍主要发生在欧美发达国家,但发展程度的区域差异很大;②社会经济要素变化是耕地撂荒最主要驱动力,务农机会成本上升等原因引起的耕地边际化是撂荒发生的根本原因,而劳动力析出是造成耕地撂荒的直接原因;③耕地撂荒与否、撂荒程度以及撂荒地空间分布受村镇、农户、地块三个尺度的自然条件、劳动力特征、农业生产条件和区域社会经济条件等多方面因素的综合影响; ④生态环境效应是当前撂荒效应研究的焦点,但该效应是以积极还是消极为主仍存争议;⑤增加农业补贴是当前减缓耕地撂荒的主要措施,但并非唯一和最合理的措施。未来,快速城镇化进程将促使中国耕地撂荒现象愈演愈烈,所以当前研究有待加强,本文认为应加强大范围耕地撂荒信息提取和监测、撂荒趋势预测和风险评估、社会经济效应评估及政策设计等方面研究。
其他语种文摘 More and more farmland has been abandoned in many developed countries since the 1950s, and then the abandoned land further evolved into a global land use phenomenon, which deeply changed the landscape in vast rural areas. "Land use change-driving mechanism-impacts& consequences- policy response" in global farmland abandonment were reviewed and the results indicated that: (1) Farmland abandonments mainly occurred in developed countries of Europe and North America, but the extent to which varied distinctly. (2) Socio- economic factors were the primary driving forces for the farmland abandonment. And land marginalization was the root cause of land abandonment, which was due to the drastic increase of farming opportunity cost, while the direct factor of abandonment was the decline of agricultural labor forces. (3) Whether to abandon, to what extent and its spatial distributions were finally dependent on combined effect from the physical conditions, labor characteristics, farming and regional socio- economic conditions at village, household and parcel scales. Farmland abandonment was more likely to occur in mountainous and hilly areas except for Eastern Europe due the unfavorable farming conditions. (4) Ecological and environmental effects should be the focus on the study of farmland abandonment, while which is positive or negative are still in dispute. (5) The increase of agricultural subsidies indeed will be conductive to slow down the farmland abandonment, but it is not the only and reasonable method. Due to rapid urbanization in China, there will be a high probability of abandonment expansion in the near future. However, few researches focused on this rapid land-use trend in China, leading to inadequate understandings of dynamic mechanism and consequences of this phenomenon. Thus, in the end of the paper, some directions of future research in China were presented: regional and national monitoring of abandonment dynamics, trend and risk assessment, social-economic effects assessment and informed policymaking.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(3):370-389 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201603002
关键词 耕地撂荒 ; 耕地边际化 ; 土地利用变化 ; 研究进展 ; 展望

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 中国科学院陆地表层格局与模拟院重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5653955

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