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Structural evolution of innovation networks of China's equipment manufacturing industry


文摘 产学研合作是区域创新的主要途径和重要来源。以中国装备制造产业为例,基于中国知识产权局1985-2012年间的合作发明专利数据,借助SPSS、UCINET、ArcGIS等定量分析工具,对中国装备制造产业合作网络的创新主体结构、空间结构及其演变、创新合作的空间尺度的影响因素进行了分析。研究发现,民营企业、高校在中国装备制造产业创新网络中的地位不断上升、数量不断增加,且已经成为重要的创新源泉;市域空间合作成为发达地区城市产学研创新合作最重要的空间单元,国家空间是欠发达地区城市产学研创新合作的主要空间载体;理工科高校等科技资源的空间集聚态势是导致创新网络层级特征的主要因子,科技资源富集的行政中心如直辖市、省会城市等发达城市成为最重要的资源集聚地、创新源泉和创新合作对象。
其他语种文摘 Industry-university-research institute collaborative innovation process and its spatial structures attract the interest of researchers in many fields. With the rise of emerging economies and their technological upgrading, their spatial structure of innovation network is developing into an important research topic. And China, in particular, provides the opportunity to study the evolution of such network structures. With the help of some sophisticated data analysis software like SPSS, UCINET and ArcGIS, this paper discusses the above- mentioned issues based on graphical analysis and an empirical analysis of co- inventor networks of China's equipment manufacturing industry using patent data issued by the State Intellectual Property Office of P.R.China from 1985 to 2012. We reached three conclusions about the structural evolution of the industry- university- research institute collaborative innovation network of Chinese equipment manufacture industry. Firstly, our systematic examination has identified a rapid growth of patents and significant changes of actor composition from 1985 to 2012, which shows the rise of privately owned enterprises and universities around 2000, with universities standing out as the most significant and strongest actors in the process of building innovation networks, while state- owned enterprises only dominate some specific fields. Secondly, citylevel is the major geographical scale of industry- university- research institute collaboration in developed cities; while undeveloped cities tend to cooperate with competent ones at provincial or national level. It is mainly because concentration of universities and firms with strong innovative ability makes it easy to find the perfect local partner, while weaker actors have to look for the best innovation partners across city boundaries. Last but not least, political decisions concerning R&D investment supported by provincial governments have a positive influence on interprovincial innovation activities. Meanwhile, the spatial political bias in China can lead to the hierarchical structure of Chinese innovation networks, which shows the significance of municipalities and provincial capital like Peking, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(2):251-264 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201602006
关键词 装备制造业 ; 产学研合作创新网络 ; 空间尺度 ; 科技资源 ; 中国

华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心, 上海, 200062

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
基金 德国科学基金联合会资助项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:5634566

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