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Urban hinterworld in Yangtze River Delta: Empirical comparison of two network-based methods


李涛   周锐  
文摘 从城市关联网络的视角,以企业分支数据为基础,以长三角地区16个核心城市的区市县单元为研究对象,将两种网络腹地的划分方法——网络关联度法和相对关联度法进行了实证分析和比较。结果发现,网络关联度法更能体现区域网络的主要格局,有利于把握区域内主要空间单元的网络联系,但是却会忽略绝对值较小,相对值较大的网络联系;而相对关联度法则可以更为深入的揭示行政区经济和跨行政区联系的特征,特别适用于分析总关联度较低单元(郊区、县、县级市)的网络腹地。在此基础上,本文尝试将两种方法结合起来,既能够体现流动空间中的跨区域网络联系,也能兼顾网络腹地的地域性。实证分析的结论丰富了对于网络腹地的认识,即存在绝对联系较强(弱)、相对联系较弱(强)的网络格局,并提供了描述和分析“中心—腹地”关系的新视角和新途径。
其他语种文摘 From the perspective of interlocking network, this paper compares two methods of defining urban hinterworld in the Yangtze River Delta, including the measurement of connectivity and relative connectivity. According to the theory of space of flows, relational data of enterprise branches is selected on the county- level space units in the 16 core cities. Three features have been identified. First, regional network structure could be revealed through the measurement of connectivity but the relative weak connections would be omitted. Second, administrative economy and cross- border connections could be examined deeply through the measurement of relative connectivity, especially to those space units with smaller aggregated connectivity. Third, combining these two methods together, a new way of defining urban hinterworld is proposed which could both reflect the connections between cities and also show the spaciality in the region. The findings of this paper are meaningful when the regional policies are formulated. The division of hinterworld is helpful for assessing the influences of cities and determining reasonable urban system. Empirical results enrich our understanding of the hinterworld in which both relatively strong and relatively weak connections exist at the same time. New perspectives and ways are provided to describe and analyze the relationship between center city and its hinterworld. In the new background and theoretical system, only through analysis of multi-angle observation and combination of a variety of methods we could have a deeper understanding of the regional city network, which is also an important area for future research concern.
来源 地理学报 ,2016,71(2):236-250 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201602005
关键词 城市网络 ; 企业分支 ; 网络腹地 ; 测度方法 ; 长三角

复旦大学城市发展研究院, 上海, 200433

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
文献收藏号 CSCD:5634565

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