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Experiment Study of Single Angle Compression Member Connected by One Leg


文摘 单角钢构件的工程应用已有上百年的历史,我国的钢结构设计规范采用了强度折减法来计算单面连接单角钢压杆的承载力.相关研究表明,我国规范的计算公式不够精确,尤其对于短肢连接的不等边角钢,计算误差较大.本文首先完成了16根单面连接单角钢压杆的试验,并搜集了前人的试验数据,最终得到了31个有效试验数据点;然后建立了单面连接单角钢压杆的有限元数值模型,分析了初偏心、残余应力、初弯曲、节点板厚度等参数对构件承载力的影响;最后拟合得到了单面连接单角钢压杆的整体稳定承载力计算公式.通过和试验数据以及各国规范计算公式的对比表明,本文公式具有更高的精度.
其他语种文摘 Single angle members have been used for over a century and a strength reduction method is recommended by Chinese code for design of single angle compression member. Researches show that the method of Chinese code is questionable, especially when applied to unequal leg angle connected by short leg. In this study, a test of 16 specimens was carried out, and with 15 existing data points by former researchers collected, the total number of effective test data reaches 31; and a numerical model by the finite element method was built for single angle compression member to investigate the effects of parameters, such as initial eccentricity, residual stress, initial bending as well as the width of gusset plate, on the bearing capacity; in the end, a design formula for evaluating the bearing capacity of single angle compression member was recommended. The formula fits test data well in contrast with methods of other codes.
来源 力学季刊 ,2015,36(4):728-739 【扩展库】
DOI 10.15959/j.cnki.0254-0053.2015.04.021
关键词 单角钢压杆 ; 单面连接 ; 强度折减法 ; 等效长细比

同济大学土木工程学院, 上海, 200092

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0254-0053
学科 建筑科学
文献收藏号 CSCD:5596193

参考文献 共 11 共1页

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引证文献 2

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2 刘洪义 输电塔角钢构件受压稳定承载力研究 建筑钢结构进展,2021,23(12):47-55
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