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Determination of Airtightness of Cigarette Packets by Negative Pressure Air Extraction Method


徐大勇 1   堵劲松 1   李跃锋 2   陈河祥 2   张龙 3   叶超 3   卢新万 2   戴建国 4   洪伟龄 2 *  
文摘 为了准确测定卷烟小盒的密封度,研究了一种负压抽气法测定卷烟小盒密封度的方法,确定了关键检测参数,并对该方法进行了评价,利用该方法对国内主要品牌(规格)卷烟进行了密封度测试分析。结果表明:①负压抽气法测定卷烟小盒密封度适宜的检测条件为:抽气流量为200 mL/ min,打孔方式为刺穿包装纸,打孔深度>烟盒厚度的1/2;②该方法测定结果变异系数在1%以内,具有较好的重复性;③硬盒包装小盒密封度平均水平(-3.508 kPa)好于软盒包装平均水平(-1.138 kPa),且不同品牌(规格)软盒和硬盒之间密封度均存在较大差异。硬盒密封度好于平均水平的比例为60%,而软盒密封度好于平均水平的比例仅为33.33%。
其他语种文摘 For determining the airtightness of cigarette packets accurately, a negative pressure air extraction method was studied, the key test parameters were determined and the method was verified. The airtightness of packets of major domestic cigarette brands was detected by this method. The results showed that: 1) The appropriate detection conditions were air extraction volume 200 mL/min, packet perforation depth >half of packet thickness. 2) The coefficient of variation of detection results was less than 1%, it indicated that the repeatability of this method was good. 3) The average airtightness of hard packets (-3.508 kPa) was better than that of soft ones (-1.138 kPa), and airtightness differed greatly between the hard and soft packets of different brands. The proportion of packets whose air tightness was better than the average level reached 60% for hard packets, while which was only 33.33% for soft packets.
来源 烟草科技 ,2015,48(10):73-77 【核心库】
DOI 10.16135/j.issn1002-0861.20151013
关键词 卷烟 ; 小盒密封度 ; 负压抽气法

1. 中国烟草总公司郑州烟草研究院, 烟草行业烟草工艺重点实验室, 郑州, 450001  

2. 福建中烟工业有限责任公司, 厦门, 361022  

3. 中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所, 合肥, 230031  

4. 河南中烟工业有限责任公司, 郑州, 450000

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1002-0861
学科 轻工业、手工业、生活服务业
文献收藏号 CSCD:5542615

参考文献 共 12 共1页

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