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Meaning space structure of rural community in Han Chang'an City Historical Site


文摘 在中国快速城镇化的背景下,对乡村意义空间的认识能够帮助理解社区居民与居住环境之间复杂的心理联系,为缓解搬迁改造过程中非经济因素引起的社会矛盾提供思路。本研究利用半结构访谈、参与式制图方法,对汉长安城遗址申遗搬迁的9个村落社区的251位居民进行调查。通过对访谈结果的质性分析,获得地方特征类目12种,地方意义类目7大类,34小类。在此基础上,对地方特征和意义间的关联进行了交叉分析,并采用GIS可视化和空间分析工具,揭示了居民感知的空间格局。结果显示:村子、文化遗址、房屋和人构成了地方特征的主体,而地方适应、个人情感、历史文化联系和个人价值与成就成为地方的主要意义。地方特征作为意义的承载体,对意义的承载既有集合性特点,也表现出了明显的选择性。众多地方特征承载的意义共同形成意义体系,定义了当地的地方性,使此地区别于其他地方。另外,村民的地方感知具有空间结构,村落和遗址周围为感知热点区域,这些区域承载居民内心的重要的地方意义。情感联系、地方适应和个人认同可用于解释意义空间的对于居民的重要性。本研究延伸的措施建议是,以某种形式将典型的地方特征保留下来,有助于搬迁的社区居民故土情结的保留。
其他语种文摘 In the period of rapid urbanization of China at present, studies on the meaning space structure in rural villages will be helpful for understanding the complicated psychological bond between community members and residential settings, and conducive to mitigate social frictions and conflicts caused by non-economic factors in the village demolition and relocation process. In this research, data were collected by semi-structured interview and participatory mapping techniques, and 251 residents from 9 villages were investigated. Those villages would be removed and relocated for the registration of Han Chang'an City Historical Site as a UNESCO World Culture Heritage. Through qualitative analysis of the interviews, 12 place feature categories, 7 place meaning categories and 34 place meaning sub- categories were identified. Based on the above attribute analysis, cross-tabulation analysis was used to examine the association between place features and meanings, and GIS tool was used to reveal and visualize the residents' place perception spatial configuration. The findings show that village, culture relics, house and people are among the significant place features, and person-place fit, personal feelings, historical-cultural connection, values and accomplishments are the important meaning categories. As the carriers, place features symbolize place meanings in both collective and selective ways. Place features form a system together with associated meanings, by which the place is defined and distinguished from other places. In addition, there exists a spatial pattern of residents' perceptions, which is characterized by the perception hotspot areas around the villages and relics, carrying important place meanings of local people in the study area. Feeling connection, place fit and personal identity make sense for the explanation to the revealed meaning space structure. The extending suggestion of this study is that the preservation of typical place features for local people in some forms will be helpful for the removal communities preserving homeland attachment.
来源 地理学报 ,2015,70(10):1606-1621 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201510006
关键词 地方特征 ; 意义空间 ; 质性分析 ; 参与式制图 ; 汉长安城遗址 ; 乡村社区

陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院, 西安, 710062

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 建筑科学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  陕西师范大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金
文献收藏号 CSCD:5539970

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